White Pupils

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TW: Extreme Transphobia, Restraints, Hospital Setting, Vomiting, Protest, Cursing, Yelling, Slapping, Super Long Chapter, Blood, !! MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH !!

This is an instense chapter.

Virgil's POV:

Oh my God, why is it so bright?

I try and bring my hands to rub my eyes, but find that I can't move them.

"Gooood Morning, sunshine." A voice says.
When I can open my eyes, I see the room around me. It's rather small, just a bed that I'm tied to by the wrists and torso, a heart monitor with a steady beep.. beep.. beep.

There person in the room is a chubby and short man, who is very clearly wearing a wig, but I'm not gonna point it out.

I feel groggy and tired.
"Breath in." The man says, roughly pressing a clear plastic oxygen mask on my face. I do as he says, but end up coughing violently.

"Now, it's likely that you're going to throw up from the anaesthetic pretty soon, so here's a bowl." He places a hard plastic navy bowl on my lap and undoes the wrist restraint on one arm.

I use my free hand to pull up my shirt, and see that my side is almost completely covered in bandages. I think-

My body inturrupts my thoughts by vomiting quite violently into the bowl. I breathe out heavily afterwards.

"Told you." The short man says, taking the bowl from me. "Anyway, someone'll come take you back to your room in a few minutes."


"You know, you're very lucky." Logan's Dad says, dragging my through the corridor by my handcuffed wrists.
"Sure." I reply sarcastically.

The metal digs into my skin harshly.

"Not everyone has access to free healthcare like you were given."
"I wouldn't have needed the healthcare if it wasn't for your boss, so-"
"You wouldn't have needed the healthcare if you weren't a pain in the ass."

With no warning, Mr Johns comes jogging down the corridor. He looks angry. Probably at me.

I don't even register the next few seconds until after it's happened. He grabs my wrists by the handcuffs and pins my arms above my head, violently slamming me into a wall.

"This is all your fucking fault!" He yells, moving his face quite close to mine. I don't even find it in myself to respond. I'm too shocked.

"What's going on, Rich?" Dr Berry asks, his eyes darting from me to his boss.
"Because of the video that this little shit posted onine, there's a crowd of protesters outside the building." He says, rather calmly.

I feel a smile spread accross my face, but it's quicky wiped away when I'm very harshly slapped.
"Liam, can you go and get his friends and three random girls that misbehave regularly and take them to hall B?"
"Sure." He quickly walks off down the hallway.

"Why three girls?" I ask through sniffles.
"I need to balance out the gender."
"Why? What are you gonna do?"

"Stop talking. Just come with me. You're in a lot of trouble."

While I'm stumbling behind him, I realise that three extra girls would make the gender ratio 5:7. I'm not gonna correct him, though.


Zion's POV: (spicy i know)

When we get to the hall, there are three people already there. One: A tall, skinny girl with a brunette shaved head. She wears an oversized t-shirt and baggy jeans. The second is about medium height, cropped ginger hair that falls to just above her shoulders. Freckles, too. And the last has longer hair, down to her elbows. It's bleach blonde with green tips and highlights.

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