The Quarry - Part 1

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TW: Cursing, guns, holding people hostage (at gunpoint), tying up, gags, gunshots (that don't hit anything), attempted murder

Janus snarls at the phone. "In what way do you need help?"

"Uh, kiddos! We don't really have time to explain.. can you come to the quarry?"
Remus perks up.

"What the fuck are you doing there..?!"
"Just.. please! Please come! We-" Patton's panicked voice is cut off by a blood-curdling scream that makes me flinch away from the phone and fall onto the ground. The scream came from Roman, no doubt. Half way through the yell, the line cuts off.

"Looks like we got some arrogant bitches to save." Remus comments, standing up.
"Are we all coming?" Nixa asks.
"I think so, wait, actually, I'm not sure you should come, Janus." Zion comments. Janus looks a mix of upset and offended. He thinks for a moment.

"No. I'm coming."
"..I really don't think you-"
"I said I'm coming. I'm sick of people treating me like I can't look after myself. They may be ignorant sometimes, but they are my friends and I want to help rather than sitting around while other people do the work."



I tense up and stop moving when we get near the quarry and see the scene. There's two men, both holding handguns. I let out a sob at the sight, which is quickly muffled by Zion's sleeve over my mouth. One of the men walks around, we follow him with out eyes. He stops infront of a small door, opening it with a key around his neck. He pulls out an unconcious Logan, whose hands are tied above his head, perfect for dragging. Next pulled out by the other man is a shivering, shaking Patton with a cloth gag in is mouth. Then there's Roman in a similar situation.

I'm not expecting the next part, but the man with they key around his neck starts diving into a full on villian monologue. I though that shit only happened in books.

He crouches down to Logan's height, dragging his cold, steel gun along the boy's skin as he hums. "You know, the government are paying us handsomely for your handsome little faces. They'll pay us $50,000 extra if we bring you in alive, but.." He pulls on a rope attatched to Roman's wrists that he was trying to untagle, pulling them together harshly and tightly, causing a sob of pain to break free from Roman's lips. "..That isn't our only option. Keep that in mind, pretty."

Patton is shaking uncontroleabley and it makes me want to reach out and hug him. "What's the matter, honey? Scared that the group of vermin you decided to call behind our backs won't get here in time for you? Awh.. how.. unfortuneate."

At the mocking tone of the offender, I lurch forward but am grabbed by someone from behind. "Wait." Remus says. The man drags the gun accross Roman's face now and I want to scream. Zion puts his hand over my mouth as I let out a muffled sob. I can feel a panic attack coming but I try my best to push it down. For Roman. For Patton. For Logan.

Then, I notice Janus make eye contact with Patton. Patton gasps loudly and the two men turn to look at us. One of them yells. "SHIT!" He says, while shooting the gun in his hand towards the area that we're holding our stances. I grab Melanie's arm and pull her down as a bullet whips over her head.

This is when complete and utter chaos ensues.


Hi! I'm so so so so so so so sorry this chapter has taken so long to come out.. And was so short... And was ended on a cliffhanger. To make up for it, the next chapter wll be.. intense, to say the least.

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