Then there were three

982 51 18

TW: Breif mention of drugs, mention of death, cursing

"What happened here, then?" Emile says, putting his bag on a hook by the door.
"Nothing happened." Remus says.
"I did a doctorate in psychology, I can tell when there's been an aregument."

I decide to cut in now. "It doesn't matter what happened. We'll be taking our leave as soon as it gets dark." Remus nods in agreement, going into the kitchen and filling a glass with ice.

"Sorry, Virgil, who's we?" Picani asks, very innocently.

"Remus, Janus and I. These three over here decided that it would be better if we split up. And they've oh-so-conviniently decided that they should put the three people who the government have pictures of in a group, so that they can roam around without worrying about the massive burdens making them very obvious."

"Hm. I think we should talk about this before you leave. You don't wanna do something you'll regret in the future."

I let out a huff as Remus comes back from the kitchen with an icy cup of water. He puts the glass down on the coffee table, close to the unconcious boy, I assume for when he wakes up,
"Wait, wait, why exactly is Jason asleep?" Picani asks, again, very innocently.
"Janus." I correct.

"Right, right, Janus. Why is he asleep, did he not get much shut-eye last night?"
"No. He suffers from a condition called Vasovagal Syncope. The defenition being: 'A condiction that occurs when you faint because your body overreacts to certain triggers, such as the sight of blood or extreme emotional distress.' In Janus' case, it was the yelling and the loud noises. Possibly the threat of being caught by the government." Logan says, I'm surprised he knows so much.

"Oh. Should, we, uh, take him to the hospital?"
"Yes. But we aren't able to considering his unhuman abilities that will lead to him being sent back to a laborotory." Logan continues.

"None of this matters! When he wakes up, we're gonna leave." I continue.
"No, Patton. You guys don't want us here, so, we won't stay here."


Picani tries to get us to speak with him about it, but Remus and I decided that we didn't need to. Janus has just woken up, and we explained the situation to him. He agreed that we should leave as soon as we can. So, that is exactly what we do.

We don't say goodbye to Roman, Logan or Patton. I do however, thank Emile and Remy for their hopsitality.
"Are you babes sure you want to leave? Like, you might get caught."
"We aren't really on good terms with the others right now, so it's the best thing we can do." Janus mutters.

"Alright, well, if you're sure girl. Good luck, try not to die, mk?"
I let out a light laugh.
"Will do."


"Why have I never seen Patton use his powers..?" I ask, snapping a stick in half. We're currently sitting inside of our local drug dealer bush, in the corner of our local park.
"He doesn't really need to much, I guess. And, it uses a lot of his energy. I've only ever seen his use them once." Remus replies.

"What do you think everyone else is doing?"

This time, Janus takes the liberty of replying.
"Probably sitting their priviledged asses on nice comfortabe beds, or watching TV."

After an hour or so, we try our best to sleep. We all end up curling into eachother for warmth.

I just hope that when we wake up, we're still safe.

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