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Hey, sorry this took so long to come out (like me, aha- sorry)

I wrote a whole chapter and decided it was lazy and I hated it, so uH- I deleted it to rewrite:

TW: Pain, Cursing, Yelling, Passing Out, Extreme brusing, Broken bones, S3x joke (Thanks, Remus)

Remus' POV:

"I spy with my little eye.. something beginning with w!" Patton chirps.
"Is it a wall?" Virgil grimaces, moving his right hand to prop up his chin and looking to the floor.
"Yeah.." The blue-loving boy admits.

"What do you guys wanna play next, th-" I start, but am cut off by a yelp of pain from the emo of the group.

"gAH! Fuck!" He brings his arms to wrap around his torso and lies flat on his back, tilting his head away from his body in pain.

We all bring out attention to him, and my eyes dart from person to person, wondering what we should do. Virgil draws blood from his bottom lip after biting down on it too hard.
"Fuuccckkkkiiinnggggg fuuckkkk!" He groans, sucking in a deep breath.

Janus decides that he's had enough and leaps over to Virgil, pulling his head up onto his lap, and wiping some tears pricking in the corner of his eyes using his sleeve. 

Virgil's POV:

"Wait. It's his ribs-" Roman starts, hastily. "He- I healed them, remember? But, it's not permenent. I guess it's worn off.." His voice trails away and is replaced by mine.

"Could you have given me any kind of w- warning, Princey...?!"
I tilt my head to look at him, clenching my jaw in discomfort.
"I forgot!" He defends.

"Okay, okay. There's no use in areguing." Zion scolds, pushing himself from a kneeling position to a standing one, and walking over to the door and trying to get somebody's attention.

"Logan, can you make sure he doesn't pass out from the pain?" He asks, fiddling with something on the door.
"P-pass out?!" Patton half-whispers, half-screams.

I feel the back of Lo's hand on my forehead and I let out a shaked breath. "Why does it hurt so much?!" I whine like a three-year-old.

"That's what Janus said." Remus giggles.

Janus practically chokes on the air.

Everybody starts to laugh for a good ten seconds, and Janus just looks to the floor, cheeks red with embarrassment.
"I don't get it." Patton questions. "Can someone explain it to m-"

"RIGHT! How about we try and get somebody who can help V's attention?" Melanie says, rubbing her hands together.

It suddenly dawns on me that I don't want any help from someone who works here. I'd rather figure it out on my own.
I'm about to say something when the pain increases by about five times what it was before.

I cry out, letting tears fall from my eyes. I feel Janus running his fingers through my hair in an attempt to calm me.

Fuck, the pain is unbearable.

Janus' POV:

I watch helplessly as Virge's eyes roll back into his head and his hand that was squeezing my wrist goes limp.
"Uh, guys?"
"I think Virgil's passed out."

It's usually me that passes out. What a nice surprise.

I slowly tug the emo's head off my lap and lay him down on the floor as gently as I can. He whines in his sleep.

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