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TW: Destruction of Property, Yelling, Syringes, Arrest, Cursing

I jump up at the sound of the sirens. No, no, no.

Patton frantically looks around and Logan speaks. "Janus, take Virgil upstairs and show him where the hiding space is. And, please, try not to pass out." Janus lets out a 'hmph' sound before guiding me upstairs. He takes me into Remus' bedroom. It has green walls with black accents like the skirting board and lamp shade. He comes in the room and hurridly closes the door.

"Logan always manages to get them to leave. But, there's always the chance he doesn't." Janus says calmly, opening a small cupboard-like door in the wall that I didn't even notice until he opened it. Inside is a small crawl space that he goes into. I follow, cringing as my wings scrape accross the small doorframe.

"Does this happen a lot?" I whisper.
"Not really. Well, it happens enough that we have a plan for when it does. It's actually quite nice not being the only person that has to sit in here for ages." I chuckle slightly.
"Hey, well, atleast if we get caught we'll get to go outside during the journey to the police car." I joke. Janus laughs.

We push ourselves against the wall and try to hold our breath when he hear footsteps in the room. "Search here aswell. You never know." I scrunch up my eyes as I hear rough clattering dance around the room. Janus squeezes my arm. The sounds from the room get more and more rough as I notice my breathing start to pick up. I feel the boy next to me start tapping onto my wrist with his finger. Morse code. I know this. I missed the first letter but I translate the rest as: "-o-u o-k-a-y?" I quickly tap back a 'yes' before we hear another voice from outside.

"NO! He has to be here! I know he's here! He's hiding!" I immediately recognise the voice. It's the head scientist at the lab, Mr Johns. A wave of bad memories course through me. I must flinch or something because Janus whips his head around to face me. I start shaking as the footsteps get closer and a his voice tells someone to check inside here. Janus and I both suck in a deep breath and we hear Roman from the doorframe.

"Oh my gosh, just leave our house! You'll be lucky if we don't sue you for destruction of property!"
"You shut your mouth young man, or I'll have you arrested for obstructing an investigation." I can hear the panic in Roman's voice as he goes to speak again.
"I told you to get out of our house!" He yells.

There's silence for a bit before I hear a door slam. Janus tells me to wait for atleast five minutes. So we do. Before the five minutes is up, Patton opens the door.
"You guys okay..?" He asks.
"Y-Yeah." Janus says, crawling out and taking Patton's hand to pull him up.
"Virgil..? Did you know who that was?" Patton inquires, helping me up too.
I nod.
"Do you wanna talk about it kiddo?"
I shake my head slightly. I look around the room and it's a mess. I hope Remus won't mind. We step over some things on the floor and head downstairs. The other three are all standing in the living room. It isn't as trashed as Remus' room is, but it will definieately need cleaning.

I start to get a really bad feeling in my stomach and I look outside.
I'm sure it's fine.

We all talk about what happened for about ten minutes or so, sitting on the couches with the curtains closed. Remus isn't upset about his bedroom, he says he's just glad that we are both safe.
Then, suddenly, there's a strong knock at the door. I put down the glass of icy water that I'm drinking and look towards the area of the door. Logan goes to answer it.

I barely surpress a scream when I hear that it's the voice of Mr Johns.
"Step aside, we have a police warrant to search the house." Fuck. Fuck. He pushes Logan backwards.
He comes in the house, looking as if he was going straight upstairs. But, he stops when he sees me sitting on the couch, paralyzed with fear.

"I KNEW IT! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I yelp helplessly as he ushers some men dressed in black to come in and they run over to me. I react so quickly that I don't even realise it happens. I quickly stand up and kick the front man around the head. He falls onto the floor unconcious. Logan is trying to fight off Mr Johns but gets pushed into a wall really hard and seems to be out of energy to get back up and carry on. Patton seems really shaken up and Roman is pulling him upstairs somewhere.

Janus is fighting with me. He punches one of the men in the face. This man kicks him in the stomach and presses him against the floor harshly in an arrest hold. "There's another one here Boss!"

I get distracted by Janus and before I realise I get slammed down onto the floor just like he is. There's a firm hand on the side of my head, pushing my face into the wooden planked floor.
"They.. They all have powers.." He says under his breath.
"NO!" I shout. I'm stopped when my head is pushed back down into the floor and I groan in pain. I watch helplessly as the men handcuff Janus and Logan, who are both slightly injured, then two more go upstairs looking for Pat and Ro.

"PATTON! ROMA-" Is all I manage to yell before the man holding me down cups his hand over my mouth strongly. Both Logan and Janus start to scream at them aswell, but I don't hear exactly what they say.
Janus gets pulled up in handcuffs and held by the man from before standing up. I gather all my strength and push the guy off me for a second, using my legs to kick his side. He rolls over and I hastily get up.

That's when I feel a syringe in my neck and turn drowzily to see Dr Johns standing behind me. Lo and J look horrified.

"Sleep well."


This currently has 0 reads, but I'm holding on to the hope that soon it will get some? Even fifty would be fine! So, if you are reading this: Thank you so much!

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