"You two know eachother?"

758 40 24

TW: Kidnapping, Being Tied up, Mentions of under-eating, cursing, mentions of being beaten

I hardly got any sleep, if you could call sitting with my eyes closed doing breathing excersices to try and get to sleep as sleep. I haven't been keeping track of time, but I know it's morning when the man who questioned me yesterday unlocks the door and walks in. 

"I'm not in the mood for your bullshit today, so we're doing this the hard way." He says angrily, starting to untie my ropes.
"Wh-what do you mean by that?" I ask, trying to hide my more-than obvious distress.

"I mean, that I need answers from you, and I need them now." I swallow all emotions to reply.
"W-We've estab-blished, I don't care what shit you put me through, I'm no-not giving my friends up."
"Oh, I know, sunshine. Which is why I'm not going to be putting you through anything."

I don't understand what he's trying to say.

"Some friends of mine is going to speak to you."

Oh, Okay. That doesn't sound threatening at all.
When he's untied my ropes he stands me up. Jolts of pain shoot through my legs but I try not to let it show. I'm too weak to try and run away, and he knows it. I'm lead out the room into a big area.

It looks like a warehouse of some sort. I though that villians only camped out in warehouses in like movies and fanfictons.. huh.

I'm getting distracted, I look around the room for possible exits for when I can try to leave. One.. two.. three! Three. Three exits. One is a large door that seems to slide open and closed, the other is a fire escape that looks very out of use and the final is a small hole in the corrigated metal walls. None of the older men here could fit through, but, being a frail teenager who was severely undefed for five years, I reckon I can.

There are eleven other people in the room, all milling about, talking, or doing various jobs like moving metal and wood. When we leave the small room that I was in, all of their heads turn. One lets out an audible gasp and a woman hollers something. "Now those! ..Are some wings."

I try and keep up my tough disposition as I'm lead by the original man into a smaller room. This is a whole dang operation.

"Sit." He commands.
I do as he says. I'm not exactly sure why, though. My brain isn't working enough to provide an answer for you, unfortuneately.

He takes the rope that I didn't realise he's been carrying and ties my wrists behind my back. I wince in pain when he pulls on the ropes to tighten them.
"I swear, kid, if you give my friends any trouble.." He starts.
"L-let me gu-guess. You'll beat the sh-shit out of me?"
"Something like that."

A woman swings head around the door and speaks in a hushed tone. "Sir, they're here." 

He tells her to bring them in. The next ten seconds of my life feel like ten years spent watching paint dry. But then, the door flings open and a tall man with chestnut brown hair and sunglasses walks in, holding the hand of another man. When they come into the light I can see them properly.

What the fuck?

The man that walks in is no other than Remy, holding the hand of his boyfriend Emile. Picani looks to Remy nervously and Remy gives him a look of reassurance.

"Didn't ex-expect to see you h-h-here." I stutter, then curse myself for it.
"Hi, Virgil." Remy says.

"Wait, you two know eachother?"
"Three." Picani corrects. "Us three.. know eachother."

I lean in close to them and where they've sat.
"I'm giving you th-thirty seconds to explain yourselves." I whisper.

"Of course! And, we can explain! Really! We promise." Emile whispers scaredly, looking up at his boyfriend.


AAAAAAA I'm sorry! I promise you that it DOES get better.. I think. All I'm saying is that, no, Remy and Emile won't become the 'bad guys' in this story.. uh, it's hard to explain

The shoutouts for this chapter (for people who have commented, voted, added to reading lists, etc etc) go to:

Special shoutout to @-KingDonnie- for picking up on the foreshadowing!

Stay safe!

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