A Helping Hand

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TW: Mention of death

I whipped my head around when the footsteps approached even more. Standing before me is a tall, wire-framed teenager with snow-white hair draping beside her ears. The biggest feature that I notice is the not-so-subtle large-cat ears poking through her hair. I can't tell which animal they're of, but it's either a tiger, a leopard or a panther.

She smiles subtly, her eyes darting from me to Remus to Janus to me. "You guys need any help?" She says. Her voice is soft and welcoming, and her ears perked up with her tail. Her long, flowing tail is more of a giveaway to her species. Snow Leopard.

"I- uh, ..yeah." I mutter, cursing myself for fumbling over my words.
"What happened to your friend, there?" She asks, gesturing the the unconcious snake boy.
This time, Remus answers. "He's dead."


"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! He got hit with a dart."
"Oh my stars.. Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry. I'm Remus, by the way. This is Virgil," I offer up a two-fingered salute. "And the sleeping snake is Janus. And, you are?"

"Do you want my real name or my code name..?" She says, raising an eyebrow and smirking. Remus sighs, motioning towards her pocket with his hand. Out flew a small purse and phone. They soared into Remus' hand, who opened the wallet, pulling out an ID Card.

"Nixa Everson, huh?" Remus taunts, twirling the thing plastic card in his hands.
"Hey! That's not fair, give it back!" Nixa protests. I snort slightly.

Once she gets her wallet and phone back, she talks again. "Telekenisis, then?" She asks, putting her left hand on her hip. Remus shakes his head.
"Polarity. I was just couting on there being coins in your wallet."

"You have any side powers? Yknow, apart from the whole, massive wings thing." She asks me.
"Uh, yeah, I can uh, make people pass out if I maintain eye contact. Or, I can cause panic attacks but I'm not a fan of that one as much."
"What about that kid, Jake, did you say?"
"Janus, and I'm not actually sure, he's always been pretty secretive about his powerset." Remus replies.

"Well, you three should come back to HQ. We always like some new faces around."
"Sorry, HQ?" I ask.
"Yep! Theres three of us that stay there right now, we're just really hiding from the government. We have good access to survielance cameras and everything."

"What were you doing out here, then?"
"I, uh, you have to promise not to make fun of me."
"I saw a rabbit.."

I snort loudly, and remus erupts in laughter.

"Janus does that with mice! It's hilarious!" Remus yells.

"Aahahahha, very funny." She says sarcastically. "Let's get going, the others will start to get worried if I don't get back soon."
Remus scoops Janus up, asking when he'll wake up. Nixa thinks for a second before answering. "Not sure. Zion will know."

"He kind of runs the HQ. Smart guy."

"It's only a ten minute walk, we'll be there soon." Nixa says, leading us through an alleyway towards a more rural part of town.


Fun fact! Nix means 'snow' in latin, so I used that as a base for Nixa's name, her being part snow leopard and all. This is where the book will start to get interesting, I hope you stick around for the ride!
Stay safe you lovely readers!

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