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TW: Cursing, murder mentions

Four months later - October 12th

The lights in the courtroom are dull and fill the room with an uncomfortable savoury atmosphere.

Sat at the front of the room, on a higher platform is a man in an expensive tailored suit, the traditional judges robes draped on top, and his mid-length brown hair tied up in a slick bun.

The right wall is lined with two rows of jury members of various ages and ethnicities.

Sitting at the back of the room is a relatively small audience of people watching. This includes 8 kids with different appearances, one with a set of fairy wings, one with some cat-like ears and tail raised up in anxiety behind her. Another with a half of his face etched in snake scales, then two boys who looks oddly similar but different at the same time. Then, two boys wearing different shades of blue and one last boy who looks the most nervous of all, wearing an orange jacket and blue jeans.

As we know it, it's been four months since the historical event that is being called 'The Superhuman Liberation', but as unfortunate as it is, it hasn't been a smooth road for all those involved since.

To the right of the judge, sits a man with slicked back dark hair, and a tie. He wears the best example of a 'fuck you' smirk as somebody could imagine.

Finally, sat in a small chair, shrinking into an oversized black hoodie, is a small black-haired boy with large feathered wings spread out behind his figure. Infront of him is a desk with various paperwork, and then around three metres infront of that sits the judges booth.

"Today we sit the formal trial of Mr Virgil Black, being tried as a young adult for 29 cases of indirect murder and one case of second-degree murder that took place on June 8th this year at Oakspen testing facility. This accounts for the lives of 18 junior doctors under the age of 30, and 12 senior doctors, over the age of 30."

The boy with the wings grimaces and lets his eyes glance over to the man sitting in the witness chair.

"Our evidance for todays trial lies in the form of four hours of security camera footage recovered from the remains of the building which the defendant played a major role in burning down."

The defendant looks to the floor. He knows that he wasn't the person to burn that building down, but he claimed responsibility for the sake of protecting a certain child. He also knows that he isn't single-handedly responsibe for the deaths of those doctors, but it'd be a lot easier for him to take the fall for all of it after that security footage was found, as much as his friends aregued against it.

"I would now like to call upon our first witness, Dr Liam Berry."

The man leans forward and adjusts the microphone infront of him, reaching his hand forwards and placing it on the Bible being held by a courtroom assistant.

He isn't religious, but he feels that it's more about the concept.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

Dr Berry smirks and looks to the winged boy sitting in the chair.

"I do."

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