So close, yet so far.

856 44 88

TW: Mention of neglect, Mention of death penalty for being gay, Yelling, Being tied up, Cursing, Mention of passing out

I switched up the POV in the second part of this chapter, so you aren't stuck with just Virgil for the whole time he's being held captive. Enjoy!

"I'm not in a rush, explain."  I say, anger seeping through my voice. Emile looks close to tears, but then he snaps his head up and starts to speak.

"Do you know what it's like, Virgil? Do you know what it's like to be born 'normal' to two parents who aren't? Because I do. My parents were friends with Patton's. And Pat, Ro and Lo have been friends for as long as I can remember. Remus is Roman's brother, right? I never saw him growing up for some reason. They used to always come to my house while our parents chatted. I would watch them practice their abilities while made to sit in the corner colouring because 'I wasn't like them.' But, I listened. I grew to know a lot about your kind. I grew to hate your kind. My parents gave those three the childhood that I wanted.. and so when I met Remy and he told me about his work here.. I had to help him. I had to get back at them all! They ruined my life, Virgil!

"Remy only works here because his parents did. It pays well. My experience as a therapist left me.. quite good at getting information from people. So, that's what I do. It's-" I cut him off violently.

"It was YOU, wasn't it?"
"Wasn't what?" Remy asks.
"YOU! You were the reason that Roman, Logan and Patton got caught. You ratted them out! My gosh! How did I not see it?"

"I DIDN'T HAVE A CHOICE! I've been waiting for so long to get back at them! To settle the jealousy and.."

This is rediculious. "Are you listening to yourself, Picani?! You're- You're jealous of us for being born with something that makes us constantly persecuted! I would do anything to live a nomal life! Thats- That's like, like, LIKE BEING JEALOUS OF A GAY PERSON LIVING IN A COUNTRY WITH THE DEATH PENALTY FOR IT!"

"No it isn't."
"YOU'RE INSANE!" I scream as loud as my energy will let me. Emile is breathing heavily looking at his boyfriend. Without warning, he starts sobbing into Remy's jacket. Remy rubs his back gently as I sit, tied to the chair with my mouth agape at how absurd this is.

Remy pulls his shades down and glares daggers at me. "C'mon babe, let's do what we're getting paid for." He speaks in a hushed voice, maintaining eye contact.
"Wait." I say. "As far as they know, you're their friends. Why don't you just ask them where they're hiding?"

"Because we know that we can get it out of you. Patton is probably already suspicious of us. Why bother asking them when we're being payed to get it from you?" The sunglassesed man says cockily.

"Besides," Emile starts, wiping tears away. "We'll have the information from you in ten minutes at the most."

I scoff. "I'm not telling you shitbags anything."


Logan's POV: (woah, a POV change eighteen chapters in? How exciting!)

I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. Zion, Janus, Remus and I are standing around a square table with various papers on. We're trying to approximate the location of where Virgil may be. Roman argued against it, saying that we'd be a lot safer just letting him go. Patton wasn't a fan of that one.

Melanie has been sobbing into Nixa's chest for atleast ten minutes, and it's getting rather annoying. Zion assures me that she'll stop soon.
"Argh!" Janus exclaims, throwing a pencil accross the room. "We're never gonna find him!" He places his elbows firmly on the table and leans down to put his head into them. Remus turns to him and rubs circles on his back. "It's okay.. we'll get there. We've made progress. Just remember that when you say 'Forward' and 'Back' your lips move in those directions."

To be honest, even I'm getting a bit concerned about the yellow-loving boy. I've been recording it, and he's been passing out at a much higher rate recently. He promises that he's fine, but he's lying to himself. Whenever he starts to get flustered, we make an effort to calm him down, because he's becoming more of a liability in my eyes.

Zion put a pencil to his temple (connected it to his brain, and he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain- sorry, i can't help it.) and sighs. "I think we-" He starts but is inturrupted by another thought. "Patton?"

"Yeah, Zi?" It's funny. Patton's only known this man for three days and he has already handed out a nickname. It didn't take all that long for us to recover from our injuries of being taken captive. Patton was the most damaged, emotionally. He's been doing okay though, but he asked to stay out of looking for Virgil for a bit.

"Those friends of yours.. uh," He clicks his fingers trying to recall their names. "Dr Peacan and Remy? Might they know anything about it? We should consider all options."

Patton giggles. "Dr Picani."
"Right, yeah. Can you give me his number?"

"If you want, I guess. I don't think he'll be any help though."


I wanted to thank you all for the interaction on this book! Nearly 450 reads? That's more crazy than Remus.. okay maybe not, but, it's awesome! I promise, promise, promise that the story WILL move along! It's gonna pick up from the next chapter..

Stay safe!

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