Six, Five, Four...

591 33 27

TW: Passing out, Screaming, Blood, Death mention, Blackmail, Sexualisation of a teenage girl (brief), violence, cursing, sexual harrasment, pedophilia, needles (I didn't want to be too vague with the TWs, so sorry for how many there are, it isnt that bad.)

Roman's POV:

I watch helplessly as Remus falls limp into a man's arms. Do something, Roman! You're meant to be the brave one!

I turn my vision away as my brother is carried off somewhere, and instead focus on the gaping wound on my lower leg. Yikes. I've been pressing my denim jeans onto it to try to and stop the bleeding.
In the heat of the moment, I forget that Mr. Johns is still looming over me.

He lets out an exaggerated sigh to get my attention. "It is a shame about your brother. The way you've just abandonned him like that."

"Wh-what?" I cough, still applying pressure on my ankle.

"Well, you're strong. You could beat me in a fight. You'll get away from me, and, because he's your twin, it's kind of a two-for-two deal. We have certain.. tests, that we'd like to run to see if your powers are assosiated. So, if we only manage to get your brother.. we'll just have to have him killed."

They wouldn't do that. There's no way. Oh, fuck. It makes sense though.
Gosh. First, I completely ruin his childhood and chastise him the whole time that we're young adults. Then, I'm the reason he gets killed. Wow, such a great brother.

"Or, you can come with me and I'm sure he'll be just fine."


Nixa's POV:

I dive and roll accross the carpet, stopping at the front of one of the couches. Stay Hidden.

Suddenly, my ears perk up and I hear a noise of heavy breathing. My animalistic instincts tell me to follow it. So, I do.

When I get closer to the source, it stops. I continue towards the area that it was coming from and see Zion passed out against the back wall of the room. He looks so peaceful. Lucky to be out of this room, and someplace else.

I discreetly jog over to him, the cloud and fog of rubble and dust blocking anybody's view. I lean up against the wall next to him, and grab his hand in mine, not wanting to let go. I've known this boy for 12 years. He's grown so much as a person in that time, and yet, I wish we were younger again. When nothing mattered. Nothing at all.

"Found some!" I hear a deep voice yell, as a pair of feet head towards us. They crouch down infront of me, grabbing my hand from Zi's.

"You're a pretty kitty." He purrs, pulling me up from the wall. I let a look of disgust dance accross my face, before kicking him straight in the groin. (Translation: before kicking him gay in the groin)

He recoils in pain and quickly recovers, slamming me hard against the wall. I gasp in pain and push him backwards, freeing myself for a moment. Not for long though, since he manages to roundhouse kick me to the floor, placing a firm grasp on my two wrists, above my head.

The other hand plants firmly on my inner thigh, and he bends towards my face, his patchy beard close to scratching me. "That was naughty of you." He whispers.

"For God's sake, Tyler! Stop trying to fuck them and use the chloroform, you pedophile!"

A taller man enters, having just ended his mini-rant at who I assume to be the man with his hand uncomfortabley close to my no-no square.
"Sorry, sir."

He pulls a small rag from his belt, then pours what is obviously chloroform onto it. I'm not as scared as I thought I'd be, but I do find myself kicking my legs as he tries to suffocate me with the chemical.

When he can tell that I'm long gone, he stands up. I could hypothetically get away now, but my body is telling me to sleep. So that's what I do.


Patton's POV:

A loud thud gets my attention, and I kneel up. You see, I can't exactly shapeshift back into my regular self when I'm too tired. And, right now, I'm tired.

An explosion-sounding noise drives me to the corner of my room. Fear runs though my vains, and I whimper.
I squint my eyes the best I can as a dog and hope it will all go away.

About two minutes later, I can't bare it. I trot out of the room, staying close to the walls, my tail between my legs. And, when I get to the main living room, it is a sight to see.

Let me paint a picture. Janus is lulled over, unconcious in the right corner of the room, and as I'm watching him, some people start walking over to him, and one scoops him up like a fork-lift truck. I turn my eyes towards the other corner, where I see Zion and Nixa, both slipped from reality. Just as I observe this, somebody places Remus' sleeping body next to them, as with the snake.

There are also about 15 random people in the room, in various uniforms.

I can't see Logan anywhere. Or Roman. I can however, see Virgil. He's stood protectively infront of Melanie. His wings are puffed out, and standing infront of him is the boss man. Jones? Johns. Mr.Johns.

I'm intent on watching what's going on over there, but a yell distracts me.
"Told you there were eight of them!" A woman's voice sounds. I'm approached by her.

"That's just a normal dog, Vicky."
"No! It's one of them, look at it's eyes. Those are human."

I take off in a run accross the room, and in the moment of adreniline, I morph back into my human self, stumbling at the suddern requirement of walking with two legs.

I slide over to the four unconcious people in the corner of the room, kneeling to them. I don't care about if I get caught. I scan Remus over for injuries, looking for an answer in his face as to where his brother went. Just as I do so, my arms are grabbed behind my back. I yelp in surprise.

"W-wait!" I plead.
"Sure, kid. What do you need?" The woman asks, crouching down to my level, but not letting go of my arms.

"The boy- with the red hair, tall. Wh-where is he?"
She looks puzzled for a moment, then speaks. "Oh! That one, we've already got him, sound asleep in the transport vehicle. He was the only one who came willingly. Not sure why though."

Why would Ro do that? I don't get it. Well, I don't even have time to get it before the woman continues. "Is he your friend?" She asks, sympathy in her voice. I nod.
"Okay, well.. count to ten. When you get to ten, you'll be with him. I promise."

I oblige, counting in my head, nodding on each count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine-

The sharp tip of a needle digs into my neck



I've updated my upload schedule! Those who are following me (wink wink, nudge, nudge) will have seen already, but, I will always update this book on Fridays, 9PM BST.
I may end up updating at random other times in the week, with shorter chapters, or a long one on a wednesday, let's say, and then a short one on the friday.
Point is, once a week at the minimum.

I'm publishing this at 19:31pm on a Thursday (1st of Oct, pinch punch first of the month by the way) and there will not be a chapter tommorrow since the next one will take me atleast three days to write. So, the upate schedule will start next friday (8th).

If you're reading this in 12 years when the book is finished, Sanders Sides has ended youre reading all the fics you can find (me) because we don't get anymore canon content, then that announcement does not apply to you, since the book is already finished.

Sorry, that was a bit of a rant.

Stay safe!

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