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Hey guys! So this is the halloween special of this book! I hope you enjoy, so without further ado:

CW: Eating, Food
TW: Implied Persecution

Ten Years before present day:

Patton's POV:

Eeek! Halloween! I love it so much! Mama says that Logie and Roman are coming over later for a party!

I'm dressing up as a pumpkin!

The house fills with the smell of freshly baked cupckaes, and I bound down the stairs to the kitchen, where my moms are waiting.
"Patty-cake!" Mama exclaims, "We made some Patty-cake? Some cake! With spiders on!"

I peer over the kitchen counter and look at the cakes. On top of them with icing is this kind of bug thing.. Its got loads of legs and it's scary. I don't like it. It's scary. Euck!

"It's just  a spider, Patton, it's not even real, silly-billy!" Mommy assures me, rubbing my back.


The doorbell! Mommy opens it to see Roman and his Dadda! Roman makes eye contact with me and runs in, jumping about in excitement.

Parked on the pavement outside the house is Roman's car, and I see another boy in the backseat. He looks a little like Ro, but he's got slightly darker hair and he looks more tired.
I see him stop looking out the window and tense up when Ro's dad gets back in the car, and they drive off.

"Happy Halloween!" Roman yells to my parents as they coo over his costume. He's a warewolf! Very scary.

A few minutes later, Logan arrives. He's dressed as "the physical depiction of pythagarus theorum" or something like that. I don't really get it, but yknow.

The halloween special of Thomas the Tank Engine is on soon, so I ask Mama if she can go set up the TV. When she turns it on, it's on the news channel, and the man is saying something about a reward for telling them about these people with special powers. I'm not really sure why Mr News-Guy needs to know about these people, but he does.

Mama quickly flips the channel to Thomas and we settle down to watch it. 

"Would you boys like any cupcakes?" Mommy asks, holding a tray of the ones she made earlier. I nod excitedly and grab one, as does Ro.
"No thank you Miss Patton's Mom. Cupcakes contain a high concentrate of sugar, which would not be good for my teeth."


"Pleaasseeeeeeeee can we go trick-or-treating? Pretty pleasseeeee?" I beg Mama. It's the time where the other kids in the neighbourhood get to, so why can't we?
"I'm sorry, Patty. It isn't safe. Maybe next year."



Author here! So sorry I missed yesterday's update, I'm only half-way through the chapter and I didn't wanna rush it. I've got some exams this week too so uh- Wish me luck! *panic intensifies*

Hope you enjoyed the halloween special!
Stay safe!

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