
419 23 28

TW: Cursing, Minor character death, Screaming, Kicking, Blood, Bones cracking, Violent death, Death implications, Glass Shattering, Yelling, Crying, Mentions of: getting shot; comas; pills; snapping somebody's neck

Virgil's POV:

"..Fuck's sake." I stand up from my position on my knees, wiping her blood on my jeans. They're black so it doesn't really show up.

I wasn't exactly planning on using my jeans to take the blood of a three year old girl off my hands today, but here we are.

I don't bother to do anything when I feel myself start to cry. Instead, I look over to the man fighting Remus. You know, the one who did this to Quinne.

I'm gonna fucking kill him.

The room isn't all that big, so I find myself able to run from one corner to another side in about five seconds.
"Hey Remus." Just after I say this, I kick the man in his side and he's caught off-guard, seeing as I completely ran up behind him. He's fairly young, so I'm not surprised when he recovers quickly and starts to get back up.

Sure, he's quick. But I'm quicker.

When he's just standing up, facing me with a look of determination on his face, I roughly kick him in the chest and he falls back down.

Putting the foot that I kicked him with on his chest, I stand over him and intentionally put pressure on his body with my boot. "I'm gonna kill you for what you did to that kid."
My voice is surprisingly confident. I don't know where it came from, but I'm enjoying it.

Everybody else in the room is still fighting it seems, so the only person who acknowledges my actions is Remus.
"Wait, what did he do to what kid?"

"I want you to say it. Say out loud what you did to her." I look down on him with disgust.
The man smiles and glances up to Re.
"I killed her." He smiles and lets a laugh slip from his mouth while looking up at me.

"She was a whiny little bitch anyway."

At that, everything I'm doing starts to blur into fever dream. I feel hot tears stain my cheeks while I kick him repeatedly. I think what scares me the most is that his smile doesn't falter.

I continue to kick him and scream various profanities for a while.
I don't stop when I hear the cracking of bones.
I don't even stop when a crimson pool of blood starts to spill out from his skull.

What? I told you I was gonna kill him. And I don't even feel guilty about it. Why should I?

I only stop when I'm brought back to reality a pair of arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me away.

Logan's POV:

"VIRGIL! Stop it! He's dead!" I yell at him but he seems totally out of it. Mentally elsewhere, you could say.

During this time, all of the other fighting in the room has come to a stop. Patton is currently huddling all of the younger ones in a corner of the room and distracting them from the now two very gory dead bodies. When I look over to him, I can see that he's holding some of their hands too.

I'll admit, the man that killed that little girl does deserve to die. I am however a little concerned about how graphic of a scene Virgil has created here.

He continues to harshly kick into the already clearly dead body of the man who killed Quinne while pretty much everybody else in the room just watches. Remus is about two metres from him and he just stands there, kinda smiling. I can imagine it'd entertain Remus.

Alright. I glance over to Roman and Janus and they just kinda give me looks that scream. 'I dunno Logan, you're the smart and handsome one, how about you do something.'

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