Saving The Others (Part 2)

389 22 18

TW: Death mention, Torture mention, Cursing, Fighting, Violence, Knocking people out, Guns, Gun Violence, Gunshots, Attempted Murder, Implied child abuse, Underfeeding

(I promise it isn't as bad as it sounds)

Remus' POV:

"Took you long enough." I comment, not bothering to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

"Hey! We had to get past some people." Roman defends.
"Alright, alright, it doesn't matter, can I have the keycard?" Janus says, reaching towards them.

Logan takes it out of his pocket and hands it to the snake-boy. "We need to be quick, someone could set off the alarm that we're doing this any second."

Virgil's POV:

Patton walks just behind me. I'm leading the way because I know this building like the back of my hand.

It's honestly incredible that we haven't seen anyone yet.

The rooms that we walk by don't have anyone in, presumably because they aren't being used at this point. One of the rooms that we head by makes me stop, and Patton stands infront of me asking if I'm okay.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Do you mind if we stop here a minute?"
"Of course, kiddo! We gotta be quick though. Why do you wanna stop?"

Instead of replying, I use my foot to kick open the door to the room we're infront of, the front of it labelled: '1317 & 1432'

The walls are white and so is the floor. I forgot how mesmorising it is. In the back left corner is a metal double bed frame without a matress or anything, presumabley because nobody stays in here.

I stand in the centre of it and look around.


"Okay.. this isn't that bad! We can live with this I think." Melanie says, flopping backwards onto the bed.

I crouch down and hold my very bony hand up to the matress. "This is barely thicker than my arm. As if our wings don't give us enough back pain already."

She swings her legs over the edge of it and raises her eyebrows. "Look on the bright side, some people sleep on the floor."

I grimace and slump down next to her. "Yeah, but some people have human rights."

"Please, Virgil. I know our lives suck, but it might be easier if you were a little more optimistic about it."

I roll my eyes and stick an obviously fake smile on.
"Wow! I'm so happy and greatful to get a whole meal a day while also being allowed to walk around in a three by five metre space every day! And I'm really thankful to be allowed to leave the room around once a day to go and be tortured into killing someone."

Mel looks at me, half upset and half sympathetc, and then very suddenly pulls me into a tight hug.


Just the memories make me remember how much of an angsty teenager I was. I still am, but less so.

"Oohh! Was this you and Melanie's room?" Patton chirps, following me inside.
I nod, stepping over to the bedside table and pulling the draw open.

Inside is two things. Firstly, theres a book. The same one that I know Mel used to read religiously, because she didn't have anything better to do.

I was never a reading fan. Obviously, I was never able to read when I used to wear my blindfold 12 hours a day, and it was only ever taken off after lights out, at which point it's too dark to read.

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