Saving the others (Part 1)

415 23 7

TW: Cursing, Knocking someone out

Logan's POV:

Right, okay. Now is time for me to do my part. Well, I'm certain that I will also do other things such as escorting children out or fighting people, but I'm talking about the main thing.

At first, I was concerned that he wouldn't want to speak to me, but I know exactly how to make him feel sentimental.

"Can I speak to you for a second before we go, Dad?"

He raises his left eyebrow and looks at me with a mix of concern and confusion.
"Is this about your mother?"

"No, I just want to talk to you. Perhaps in another room. Family matters, if you will."

"Logan, you haven't reffered to me as family in about ten years."
"No time like the present."

His eyes glide around the room quickly. "Alright, but don't make it too long, because I've finished the paperwork, so I'd like to let you all out as soon as I can."

Following him out of the room, I turn my head slightly and smile back to the people in the room, considering the fact that it may be the last time I see the six of them who are not helping with our little 'free-the-kids' mission for a while, if ever.

Just so it's known, I did not come up with the name 'free-the-kids mission'. That was Patton.

If it were up to me, I would've dobbed it something like 'The saving the others mission', but after knowing Pat for about 12 years, I've learnt that if he wants something to sound fun and childish, you should let him.

Augh, I'm letting myself get distracted.

Back to what we were doing.
Dr Berry finds a small room, and I notice the lock on the outside. Good.

I know I reffered to the man as 'Dad' earlier, but that was for strictly essential purpouses.
I would never actually call that man my family.

When he enters the room, I glance back to see that Roman has followed as intended. Now to act natrural.

If you think about it, this is all Dr Berry's fault. He was the one that paid for me to attend theatre classes when I was younger. Which is, A: Where I learnt to act so well, and B: Where I met Roman, the person who will be helping me trap him in this room.

Then again, we wouldn't be trapping him in this room if he wasn't a dick in the first place.

The man leans against the wall and his walkey-talkey buzzes, but he ignores it.
"What did you want to talk about then?"

I look to the black plastic device on his belt and get an idea.

"That doesn't sound like it's working properly. Can I look at it?"

Peering down to his walkey-talkey, he grimaces. "Logan, I've had this for like four years-"

I cut off his speech by using my telekenisis to bring the device into my hand. The man infront of me grunts in surprise and begins to protest my actions.

"Hey, that's not allowe-"

I throw it out of the room's door with all my force and watch as it smashes into the hallway floor, not breaking fully.

While he's processing what I just did, I pull his keys, keycard and phone into my hands.

"What the fuck?!" He exclaims, heading into a stance as if he's about to stride out of the room and get someone. Before he can do so, I use my powers once again to push him to the back of the room and I quickly head out, letting Ro slam the door behind me.

Using the keycard I took, I lock the room and feel the door shake from the other side, with his muffled voice coming through it.

Roman looks to me and nods. "Let's go."

We walk away, leaving his shouts behind us.

I twirl his phone in my fingers as we walk through the white-walled hallway.
When I press the 'on' button, the screen lights up and his homescreen wallpaper is visable.

It's a picture of him, my mom and I when I was about five years old. One of those cheesy family photos.

I'm obviously rather short, with poofy black hair, wearing some black jeans and a dark blue T-shirt. I'm smiling and holding my mother's hand.

She looks happy to have her right arm wrapped around her husband's shoulder.

I'm not sure why he has this as his homescreen when it's his fault that our family stopped being like this.

"Uh, hey, Lo?" Roman snaps his fingers infront of my face, pulling me from my trance.
"You okay?"

I click the phone off and stuff it in my pocket. "Of course, sorry."

"Alright, well let's head to meet Janus and Remus so they can use this keycard to get into the control room."

Roman's POV:

I remember this. Virgil went through the directions with me.

'From the room, you're gonna wanna go left right right and then up the stairs two flights. Third door on the left. Got that, Princey?'

Left, right, right. Stairs, two flights. Third door on the left.

Left, right, right. Stairs, two flights. Third door on the left.

Left, right, right. Stairs, two flights. Third door on the right.
Wait, that's too many rights.

It doesn't matter, Lo's the smart one, he'll remember.

He begins to twirl his Dad's keys around his index finger, clearly on edge.
"You sure you're okay, specs?"

"Yes, Roman. Let's just get going. We have a job to do here." He stops at a turning.

The lights in this hallway are rediculously bright, and since the walls are white and the floor is a tiled grey, it's insanely irritating on my eyes.
How do people work here everyday? Or heck, literally have to live here.

"Did Virge say left or forward? You were the one he told." Logan asks, shoving the keys in his pocket and looking to me.

He underestimates me. I can remember five instructions.


Turning the corner, a doctor who I've never seen before makes eye contact with us. They look young, maybe 20 to 25, with bleached blonde hair that falls to their ears.

They stop and then look at us, then to Logan specifically.

"Hey, you kinda look like my boss. You related to him?"
Logan glances to me and impliments his quick-thinking skills.

"Yes- I'm his son, me and my friend are visiting with him today for college credit."

"Oh! That's so cool! I just graduated college a few months ago, I'm sure you'll do great!" They smile, then look slightly confused.
"Wait, isn't Dr Berry's son a-"

They can't finish their sentence because in a very short amount of time, Logan has hit them over the head with a fire extinguisher that was on the wall.


They fall over, unconcious and I instinctively catch them before they can hit the floor, since we aren't trying to seriously hurt them.

I lean them against the wall and Lo mounts the fire extinguisher back on the wall, claiming that you should always leave a fire extinguisher where it's meant to be so that if there's a fire, it can be easily located.
Typical Logan, hm?

We carry on towards the control room, ignoring the occassional buzz from Lo's dad's walkey-talkey.


Heyo! Thanks for reading the chapter :)

The last time I did a sequence of chapters in parts, there were three parts, so that's what I'm aiming for with this, and it'll be atleast three, but it might end up being more because I have a lot of ideas for this.

Stay safe!

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