Author's Note (Please read, thank you)

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Before I start, I'm not discontinuing the book or going on hiatus, just to clear that up.

I promised myself that I'd never do a whole chapter for an author's note, but here we are.

I'm really sorry for the lack of chapters recently. My mental health isn't doing all that good and I haven't had any motivation to write. School has also started up in person here in the UK, and it's really drained me emotionally and physically.
So, here's the question that I pose to you, as one of my amazing readers:

Should I:

a. Continue to update every three days or so, with chapters that I don't feel are my best and make me feel kinda bad about my work. 

b. Take longer to write chapters, waiting for when I have motivation and ideas, around a chapter once each week or two at the most.

Honestly, it's up to you and I really need your opinons. I feel like I'm letting my readers down because I don't deserve all the attention that this book has recieved.
Please, let me know your thoughts.

Thank you so much, and I'm sorry.

To make up for how horrible I've been to you readers, please enjoy the following gif:

ALSO! Really quick, since I'm here, I've found another artwork that I think would be amazing as a new cover for the book, but the original is fine too

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ALSO! Really quick, since I'm here, I've found another artwork that I think would be amazing as a new cover for the book, but the original is fine too. What do you think? If I decided to change it, I'd add the text and everything from the current cover.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, have an amazing day/night, remember to drink some water and eat some food, but, most importantly:Stay safe!

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Thanks for taking the time to read this, have an amazing day/night, remember to drink some water and eat some food, but, most importantly:
Stay safe!


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