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TW: Cursing, Harsh treatment, Alarms

It's cold. I wake up slowly and groggily, it's really dark. Wait, no. It isn't dark. The room has lights, I've just only now realised that I'm wearing a blindfold. So, I must be in some kind of government custody. That's when I remember the events of last night. Where are Logan, Remus and Janus? Did Patton and Roman get caught? The first question is answered for me when I hear Remus' voice from my left.

"You're awake!" I nod. I was going to respond with something sardonic or sarcastic but then I'm overwhelmed with a feeling that this question is more important right now.
"Patton and Roman. Did they get caught?" I say, pointing my head in the general direction of Remus' voice. I turn it to my right when I hear Logan speak.

"No. They did not seem to get caught. The men went upstairs to look for someting and came back down grumbling about them getting out a window." Atleast they're safe. Hopefully.

"Uh, Virgil, can you.. see? At all?" Janus says in a low voice. He's somewhere infront of me, but not close infront of me. Like, we're sitting parralel but against different walls.
"No. But, I, I've gotten quite good with my other four senses over the years." I'm not exagerrating when I say this, not having my eyesight for six hours a day for 4 years did actually improve my other senses, mainly hearing, though.

"When we came in here, what did the building look like?" I ask.
"The building. What colour was it, how many stories did it have?"
"Uhm, it was gray and only has two floors, but it's quite small."
"Okay good."

"Sorry, Virge, but, what's good about that again?" Remus chirps.
"I mean it's good that we're here opposed to the lab. If we were at the lab this would all happen a lot quicker. So I-" I stop and raise an eyebrow. I can hear footsteps. Slightly heeled dress shoes. Mr Johns. I'd recognise those shoes from miles away.

Luckily enough, I don't seem to be tied up anywhere, so I stand and walk over to the metal bars at the front of the holding cell. I know this room a bit too well, but, alas, that isn't the point. The footsteps come closer and closer until I can hear his breathing from about half a metre infront of me. I quickly stick my hand through the bars, grabbing the man's collar and jerking his head forward into the metal. He lets out a scream of pain and yells.

"AH! You little shit!" I step away from the bars so that he can't touch me as I hear Remus laughing meniachally behind me.
"Virgil, you know very well that I have the power in this situtation. I can click my fingers and all of the little friends you've made in the 39 hours you've been away from here will be killed." I wince slightly. I really haven't known these people for very long, but I feel closer to them than anyone else in my life.

He pushes me against the wall harshly and I fall down it onto the floor. "I hope you're happy with yourself, Virgil. You gave up the lives of three of your friends to have 39 hours of freedom." He spat the words out before leaving the cell. I hear him lock the door.

"This isn't your fault, V." Janus says. I don't say anything back, I just keep my head lowered towards the ground. I reach my hands up behind my head and untie the blindfold. The bright lights of the room blind me. They aren't even that bright, it's just been dark for so long. I rub my eyes. Out through the bars I can see a window leading to a feild. There are tears watering in the corner of my eyes. I turn to look at the others, and they seem fine, physically.

I turn walk back up to the bars and see something out the window. A flash of red. Then blue. I widen my eyes when I realise that it's Patton and Roman. We make eye contact through the window and I feel my hand reflectively go to cover my mouth that is now wide open. Roman flashes me a subtle smile before ducking below the window. I can see that the other three noticed them aswell. I curse under my breath when I see Mr Johns coming back over. He stops and looks to me.

"Sorry, I don't remember telling you to take your blindfold off.." I cringe. I forgot about that part. I try making eye contact with him but his eyes dart around.
"Are you trying to make eye contact with me?" He asks calmly.

I nod in defeat and step backwards over to the wall, leaning against it. "I actually wanted to take you to and isolation cell, Virgil. I had the realisation that you know far too much about this place to be trusted in a cell so close to the exit. Let me make an assumtion, you know how to open this door, don't you?"


"And, yet. You didn't. Why is that? I can only imagine that it's because you know something that I don't." I bite my lip as he unlocks the door and grabs my wrist. "I need to ask you about that." He finishes.
"No! Stop!" I scream. It doesn't do anything. He leads me into one of the isolation rooms. I hate it even more in here. The walls are all white and the door is large and metal. The lock is also metal, differently to the lock on the cell from before. The lock on the main cell is made of a hard plastic.

I sit in the room for ages, with my head in my hands. I need to disable that camera in the corner. I pull my jacket off and wince, exposing all the bruises and scars from my years at the lab. I really love this jacket, but if I want to get out of here I need to cover the cameras. The security guards really aren't that bright. I imagine they'll just think the camera is faulty. I throw my jacket upwards towards the camera and it drapes over the lense.

Good shot. I thought. The jacket is now too high for me to grab again, so I really hope I didn't just throw away my favourite jacket for no reason. I'm about to start trying at the lock when it flicks open. I flinch back, thinking it's a staff member. But it isn't It's Roman. And Patton. And Remus and Janus and Logan. Now I'm really glad that I covered the camera. There isn't one in their cell, but if a guard had seen this from the camera they would have set the alarms off.

"Quick." They turn and start to head down the corridor, I take the lead because I know the best way out.
"How did you get that door open?" I whisper.
"Remus' power. He has polarity. Controls metal. He easily opened the lock. Roman and I got everyone else out that cell really easily. You could hardly call it locked." Patton whispers back.

We hear footsteps coming and press oursleves against the wall. A security guard comes around the corner and stops in his tracks when he sees us. I'm completely shocked when Patton kicks him in the chest, sending him to the floor. Before he hits the ground, I see him press a button on his remote. It sets off loud alarms accross the building.

"Fuck!" I yell, and we start to run.


Update: We have 5 reads now! :) In only one day! If you got this far, thanks!

And, I'm sorry this chapter was long and went on a little bit. The next chapter won't be as boring to sit through.
Thanks my lovely readers!

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