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TW: Cursing
This is kinda fluffy in the second half. I apologise.

Patton's POV:

A woman that I've never seen before enters the room carrying an unconcious Virgil in her arms. He stirrs slightly but doesn't wake up as the lady places his body onto the floor. He looks tired and disshevalled, with black bags under his eyes.

"His he.. powerless, then?" Roman asks, looking at the frail boy.
The woman's eyebrows contort.

"Yep. Useless, even. Like a printer without ink, I guess."
I whine at the comparison, and I hear Melanie sniffle.

"Wait, no. He still has wings, so its like one of those printers that has black ink, and you're trying to print a black and white document, but it wont work until you get a cartridge of cyan ink, so it's useless. And there's no cyan ink in the whole world."

I think she has a grudge against printers.

"I think you lot will be dismissed from the lab on Friday." She rubs her hands together and turns away, then looks back.

"Oh! You three girls should go back to your normal room until Friday."

The three of them nod and stand up.
"I still don't understand what's going on here.." Alyiah mutters. "But, good luck."


Janus' POV:

Melanie has Virgil's head on her lap, him still sleeping.

All of a sudden, he gasps and sits up, panting and breathing heavily. His eyes dart around the room and his breathing returns to normal when he realises that he's in the room with us.

"You okay, Virge?" Zion asks, standing up and pressing two fingers onto the boy's wrist.
"Y-Yeah. I will be.." 

There's a silence.

"Okay, since nobody else is gonna bring it up, I will!" Roman starts. Please don't say wat I think you're gonna say.. "You have to fucking explain to us what happened when you murdered that guy just now. Here is your opportnity to tell us all if you had any other surprise powers. Go on." He gestures towards Virgil, who shifts were he's sat.

"I'm not a-all that sure it matters anymore, Roman." He replies, already starting to get adjitated.
"So there are more!"

"What were they though? Do bless us with your abilities. Let us know what else you were hiding."
"Roman, enough." Patton whispers, telling Ro off.


Logan's POV:

It's been about an hour of uncomfortable silence before Virgil speaks again.

"We g-get to leave, right?"
"That would be correct. On Friday, we've been told." I say. Virgil visibly relaxes at this news.

"Sorry." He says, leaning back onto Mel's lap and staring at the ceiling.

"For what?" The blue-haired fairy asks, running her fingers through Virgil's purple and black hair.

"It's m-my fault we even got in this situation. And all we got out of it was emotional damage." He pauses. "And now I don't even have any magic, or whatever we've grown to calling it."

Janus heavily breathes in and leans forwards. "Okay. Fine. But, haven't all of us spent our whole fucking lives trying to avoid government persecution? And now we're gonna be free freaks! No more worrying about the police! Virgil, Mel, the dickhead that ruined your lives for so long is dead! Patton, Logan, Roman, you guys always wanted to be able to live normal lives! Nixa, Zion, no more having to hide in a secret location! I'll be able to get treatment for my condition, and Remus! Remus can just keep vibing, I guess!"

What a speech.

He pauses and looks around. "So why the fuck are we sulking?!"

The snake-boy pulls off his beanie and lobs it at Remus' head. "Hey!" He laughs, grabbing it with his non-broken wrist and throwing it. ..At me.

I try to duck but am not quick enough. The beanie hits me square in the face, knocking my glasses off too.
I find myself laughing at it. Then, before I can pick it up, I'm hit again by one of Remus' combat boots. I gasp and hastily pull of my tie, throwing it back at Remus, and then throwing his boot and J's hat at Patton.

Patton giggles and adds his cardigan to the mix. Then comes Mel's fabric belt, Zion's jacket and Nixa's gloves.

We're all laughing and giggling, and then we look to Virgil, who sighs dramatically. "Well, this is unfair!" He huffs sarcastically. "I don't have any accessori-"

Remus' boot hits V's chest, knocking him over as he laughs. "You son of a bitch!" He grabs it and aims it right at Remus, who threw it at him.

Within ten minutes we're all exhaused from laughing.


Dr Berry's POV:

I spin around on my desk chair and click on the security camera screen. I find a smile slipping onto my face.

It's only fair that they atleast get one evening to be kids.


I need to stop writing chapters so late into the night when I have school tommorrow-

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