Some kind of rescue mission. (Part One)

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TW: Cursing, Yelling, Remus being himself

Remus' POV:

"That.. that was.. holy fuck! That-"
"Yes, Remus. We got who that was. We.. we just don't know where that was." Zion cuts off as the remainder of our little fugative famILY congrigate around the table.

Patton starts rubbing his arm guiltily. "Wh-what did Virgil say about Emile? No, no, he's wrong! I-I've known him since I was born!" Patton looks desperately around, and then he crosses his eyes and scrunches his nose for a moment, looking at my brother. "Ro!" He yelps as a blink of light blue light cosumes him and dissapears. When it's gone, so is Pat. Where he stood is a medium-sized golden retriever puppy, tail between it's legs.

My rather annoying brother bends down to his level and talks in a hushed voice, but we can still hear them.
"I told you not to get too worked up..! Well, we- Forget it. I'm not having an aregument with a dog." Roman says, like he's areguing with his husband of 28 years. He scoops the dog- uh, boy, up into his arms. Patton winces apologetically as Ro holds him against his chest.

"That's.. that's pretty incredible. I haven't seen anyone with that kind of ability." Zion remarks, astonished.
"It occurs when his Cortisol levels excell." Logan begins. "He gets too stressed about something and you suddenly have to look after an animal for the next 24 hours. We're rather lucky, it seems. The time it was a llama was horrendous."

I burst out laughing and walk over to the dog, my black boots (which, I rock, for the record) clicking on the floor. I look into Patton's eyes. "Awh! You're so cute, aren't you? Yes you are! Yes! You're just a little babey, ar-"


"Ah, fuckity fuck! What was that for?!" I yell at my egotistical brother.
"He's still a person. Don't patronise him."

"We're wasting time, here, people!" Janus half-yells to get our attention. It works.
"Hey, Zion! And, uh, Logan, you two are smart, right?" Nixa asks, using her hands to speak aswell as her mouth.

I gasp in fake offence. "And I'm not? Wow!"
"Don't make me slap you again, Re."

"Can't you like, track the phone that you called, they were with Virge, yeah?"
At this point, Melanie is taking Patton from Roman, and rocking him back and forth in her arms. So it's okay when someone else treats the dog like a dog, but not me? Hmph.

"Zion, did you complete any computer technology majors in college or university?" Logan asks.
"Yeah, I did."
"Great. So, you know how to trace the number's location using-" Zion joins in what Logan as started to say.
"The internal SIM connector chip!" They chorus together. (A/N: Can you tell that I'm waffling and know nothing about technology?)

The pair of them run off to go and makeout by Zion's computer, or "track Picani's location" as they're calling it.

"Right, well, it's likely that we're gonna go have to find him soon, so, we should get ready." Janus says.
"Who's going?" Nixa asks.

"I'm not going if I don't have to. I need to stay and look after Patton, anyway." My asshole of a brother declares.

"I'm going. So is Remus." Janus states, flashing Roman a dirty look. "I imagine the two computer nerds will want to come too. How about you girls?"

"Well," Mel pets the puppy in her arms as she talks. "I think it'd atleast make logical sense to have the four of you go. If there's too many of us, it'll be too obvious."

Logan comes back into the room. "They're no longer in a building, but they're about ten minutes from a warehouse that I have my suspisions about." Zion follows, adding to the statement.
"Looks like we're going on some kind of rescue mission." (Cue title sequence)


Hi! Author here! Sorry that this chapter took so long to come out, but, it's here now! The book is on 700 reads now.. I know everytime we hit a milestone, I say that it's crazy, but I'm genuinely thankful.

So, if you're reading this, thank you. Yeah, I'm talking to you.
Stay safe!

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