Puppy eyes

609 32 11

TW: F-Slur, Homophobia, Sexism, Cursing

Melanie and I grip onto the metal bar like our lives depend on it. My hands are starting to ache, but I pull myself up to get some advantage on the fairy-girl next to me. Whoever can hold on the longest gets an extra plate of food (which we've agreed to share either way, but, friendly competition, yknow?)

We only have about three weeks before my best friend turns sixteen, so we've been working non-stop on how we're gonna get out of here.

Mr Johns is timing us, and he looks between our struggling bodies before he speaks.

"Virgil, don't get your ass kicked by a girl."

"And, Melanie.. Don't get you ass kicked by a f*gg*t."

I allow my hands to slide off the metal bar and land safely on my feet. "Excuse me?"  I scoff.
"Two minutes, twelve seconds."  He records.

Mel drops down slightly after and rubs her hands together. "What did you call him?"
"Two minutes, fifteen seconds."


I rub my eyes uncomfortabley, trying desperately to erase the memory from my brain.

Stepping into the main living room,  I mumlbe a 'good morning' to everyone already there. Patton leaps up and shows me a page on his phone. "Lookie!"

The phone screen tells me that there's a youth-organised protest taking place at midday today in the town centre. A protest for our rights as people. Huh.
"It starts in two hours! We should get ready to go!"

"Woah, woah, woah!" I interject. "We are not going. Do you know how easy that makes it for the government to find us?"  
"I gotta agree with raccoon boy." Zion says, placing a mug of coffee onto the table.

"Awh, please! Roman and I haven't gone out in ages!" Patton pouts, flashing us his best puppydog eyes.

Janus rises from the sofa. "Wow, you're right, Pat! Imagine how horrible we'd be if we didn't let you guys leave the house when you wanted over fear of persecution!" He smiles sarcastically, recounting the exact thing that Roman, Patton and Logan did.

Remus snorts from the other end of the couch, then sticks his hands up in surrender when Roman flashes him a dirty look.

"Right, what if just me and Patton go, and the girls if they want to. Then you spoilsports can stay here."

"Wait, wait! Roman and I can desguise as normal people. Here," The light-blue boy starts, before cleanly transforming into a fully-grown cockapoo dog.
Roman catches his friend's drift now. "Yes! And I am your humble owner and or dog-walker.

"I still don't think it's a good idea, P-" I look at the dog when I speak, but am cut off by Logan.
"No, Virgil! Don't look into his eyes-" Too late. Logan sighs as I feel myself pulled into his watery eyes. He looks so upset and helpless. How can I tell an adorable dog that he can't do what he wants?

Gosh he does good puppy eyes.


HELLO! Author here. I'm so sorry it's been like 5 days since I updated. I started school this week you see, (I'm from the UK, so we were in a physical building.)

Sorry this was so short.. I've not had much motivation recently, but I promise, that I will continue updating and finish the book, don't worry.

Stay safe!

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