Nine, Eight, Seven..

646 37 22

TW: Mini-explosion, Blood, Passing out, Cursing, Police, SWAT, Needle mention, Darts, Gun mention, Child neglect, Chloroform (The chapter gets so much more interesting towards the end, please stick around :) )

Janus's POV:

There's a loud smash, followed by a cascade of glass and wood and brick, flung from around the building. I hear various shreiks from the others, and throw my hands over my head as a relfex. After about two seconds, only breif amounts of dust fill the room.

"What's the plan then?!" Roman loudly exclaims over the sound of scattering rubble. The HQ is still up and all, it's just that there's now debris scattered around.

I must be high on adrenaline, because I don't notice until Remus pulls me to a corner and points out to me whats going on with my arm. A large shard of glass is sticking out, blood dripping down my forearm. B-blood. Yeah..

I, uh- I've never been a fan of blood.

Zion's POV:

Without warning, Janus passes out into Remus' lap. Shit.

Alright, uh, think tactically. That is what you do best. My eyes dart up to the multiple police and SWAT officers entering the room.

Right, okay. It doesn't seem that we're doing that when Virgil throws a book at one of their heads. It bonks them on the head and they just turn towards the boy, looking annoyed.

"Scatter." Logan plainly states before darting accross the room. Others follow suit. One of the SWAT offiers fires a dart out of some kind of gun, and I duck to dodge it.

Now, I may be a relitively fast runner, but apparently the same doesn't apply for dodging things. I know this because I feel the pointed needle tip of a dart lodge into my neck.

I'm not an expert on these things, but my best guess is that I've got about thirty seconds. What do you do hwen they could be your last thirty seconds in freedom? Of course, I have no doubts in everybody's ability to get us out of this mess, but there's no guarentees.

It's getting cold. I run towards the corner of the room and slide down the wall, trying to ignore the screams and shouts from other parts of the house.

It's getting cold.

Remus' POV:

I roll Janus over into the recovery position. It hurts me to leave my best friend for capture, but, if we go down, we go down together.

Leaping up, I only have one thought.


Okay, yes, whatever. We may not have been the best of brothers, but I still care about him. I need to protect him. I sprint around, panting heavily, and dodging things that I can't tell who's throwing.

Then I see him. Finally. He's sitting on the floor, one hand clutching a bleeding ankle. I can only tell because his usually light blue jeans are stained with blood, the same colour as his hair.
Just as I get to him, so does a man. But, I recognise this one. It's the main guy, ugh, I can't remember his name, so we'll call him dickhead.

Dickhead stops when he sees me near.
"Ah, what a treat. Both of you."

"Fuck off and leave us alone." I spit at him, standing protectively infront of my twin brother, who hasn't said a word, his hands coated in his own thick blood.

"Come on, Remus. You're seriously going to protect him now? After everything that he's done to you? He ruined your life."
Theres- no. No, no. He's bluffing. It's waffle.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't act dumb, because you aren't. You're a very smart lad. Practically raised yourself, yeah?"
My stance grows more protective as my eyes dart around for a weapon of some kind, any kind.

"And all because he was born first, huh? It's a cruel world when your parents only want one kid, but got two."
"Shut up. How do y- I mean, hypothetically, if you were right, how would you k-know?"

"You underestimate me. The point is, your brother got everything. And you.. you didn't get as much. Don't you want him to suffer for what he did to you?"
Think, Remus, think.

"The plagues of our childhood aren't his fault."
"Oh, my bad. So, Roman stood up against the neglect? He fought for what was right? Because.. I'm under the impression that he went along with it. Incouraged it, even."

I didn't think Roman was listening, but it seems he was. I know this, because he yells out.
"We were kids, goddamit! I always wanted to be a prince! So, why would a kid question it when his brother 'offers' to do whatever him or his parents say?!"

"I wasn't talking to you." Dickhead states, bluntly.

I look back to my brother, then to the man. "Didn't you want revenge, Remus? Let me get to your brother."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me." I snarl through my teeth.

"I wish we could've done it the easy way." He sighs heavily before whistling with his two fingers.

No warning, three police officers swarm infront of me. I kick one in the stomach, but another twists my arm back and shoves me against a wall.

I kick against him to no avail as a cloth is shoved over my mouth. I manage to lock eyes with Roman, and he gives me a determined look that shoots power through me. It doesn't last long as I fade into nothingness.


I'm so sorry it's been so long. School is a bitch. Guess what the next two chapters will be called? You guessed it! Six, Five, Four.. and Three, Two, One..
We're in for a hell-of-a-ride.

Stay safe!

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