Mmm, Chloroform..

758 40 14

TW: Use of Chloroform, Yelling

Ring, ring. Ring, ring. I'm about to break from the pressure of Emile's words. He's good at this. I'm glad that we were inturrupted because I was really close to breaking.

Emile looks down to his pocket and pulls his phone out. The number isn't saved, so he looks to Remy, stands up from his chair and ansers it, bringing the phone to to his ear.

"Hello?" He says cheerily.
"Hi, is this Emile? P....ave me your number." He goes quieter half way through the sentence, but I immediately recognise the voice. Its Zion. What am I meant to do? Do I yell? Do I scream? I go with the second option.


Janus' POV: 

When Emile answers the phone, we can tell that the room he's in is kind of echoey. Zion starts talking, and I sit down on a beanbag. Remus leans infront of me and speaks in a whisper.
"The oposite of assassin is dick dick out."

How did I make friends with this guy again? 

"Nice to meet you Zion, but I'm rather busy right now." He says. My ears perk up when a really quiet background voice comes through the speaker.


The line cuts off.


Remy's POV:

I cup my hand over Virgil's mouth and apply pressure to it. He stops screaming when Emile hangs up the phone.  
"Why did you do that?!" I yell. Tears start to pool in his eyes, but I ignore it. No time for sympathy.

"What if they heard him, babe? A-and they come!" Emile panics while I go to the back of the room to look for something.. particular.
"They're not intelligent," I start. "So they can't easily find this place on their own. We can't tell David about this, he'll have our jobs."

Virgil looks around the room frantically, then starts to yell again.

"DAVID! OH, DAVID! THEY LET IT SLIP THAT THey ar-" He wails, his voice cracking slightly as tears break from his eyes. He quiets down then stops talking when he sees that in the seven seconds that he said that, Emile has run over to me and grabbed the chloroform from my hands, pouring it onto a rag.

"I-I'm sorry, please d- Please!" He yells, kicking his untied legs around and nearly knocking the chair over. I run over and steady the chair, gripping onto the top of it.
"It's a little too late to apoligse after that stunt, kid, I'm sorry."  Emile sympathises, pressing the rag over his mouth and nose.

He coughs loudly and rapidly, trying to shake away and stop inhaling it. He coughs a lot more for about ten seconds, then his eyes roll back into his head and he goes limp in the chair.

"You guys okay?" David says, coming into the room.
"Yeah, thanks Dave. We're finished with him for today."
"Okay, I'll take him back to his room. You guys close to getting the answers from him?"
"Yeah. I'd say so."

"Okay, good. Here's $200, I'll see you tommorrow?" He asks, handing Emile a rolled-up wad of cash.
"Sounds good!" He chirps.

We try and leave the building as quickly as we can.
I do feel kind of bad for Virgil. We were never even trying to target him.

C'est la vie, I guess.


The story has hit 500 reads! I'm beyond greatful!  Thank you so much if you are reading :)

Stay safe!

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