Oh, so you're the guy?

617 32 65

TW: Yelling, Cursing, Death mention, Knife, Blood

Remus' POV:

"Virgil, it's fin-"
"WILL YOU STOP SAYING THAT?!" He yells, letting himself fall back onto the floor, staring at the ceiling. He moves his right hand towards his left and starts to pick at the cling-film wrapping his wrist where it was recently tattooed.
"Don't peel that off, V. It'll get infected you know." Zion warns him from his sitting position, up against the wall, fiddling with the laces of his right shoe.

"I don't care." Virgil mumbles, pulling the clear plastic back a bit more.

Within five seconds, Janus has walked over to the emo, pulled him so he's sitting up and taken ahold of his non-tattooed arm, so that he can't reach his other. "You know, your sulking isn't helping anything."

Virgil gasps at the sudden contact and then settles back into a sitting position, tugging his arm away from Janus.

Roman, Patton and Nixa are tossing one of Pat's black and white boots between them. I mean, it's a good attitude, but is it really helping? Eh, what have I got to say? I'm sitting crossed-legged by Logan, as we watch the situation with Virgil unfold. He's been moping and groaning around like a four-year-old since he got back from being tattooed. Like, sure. I get it. It's hard for him and all, but it's really starting to get on everyone's nerves.

There's a mechanical beeping from the door area, and Virgil shoots up. We all turn to it. Mr Johns walks in (suprise, surprise) with another man. This one is taller, more lean. Dark black hair slicked back. His thin lips course upwards into a sly smile.

Logan's POV:

For fucks sake. As if it couldn't get any worse. He leans on his left leg and looks at me, directly in the eyes. He smiles coldly at me before speaking.

"Long time no see. These are your friends?" He asks, gesturing towards everybody else, who are now staring at him. Virgil looks especially protective, slowly rising to stand up.

I stay silent as he carries on. "No, I'm just kidding. I know who they are."
Virgil scrunches up his nose in contmept. "Logan, how do you know this son-of-a-bitch?"

"Do you kiss your brother with that mouth, Virgil?"

Virgil sucks in a sharp breath and bites his lip, leaning back against the wall in a less attack-orientated stance. He starts to tap his foot and keeps his head to the ground.
"Thought not." He says, before turning back to me.

"Okay then." I say, pulling myself up from my position on the wall and rubbing my hands together. "Everyone.." I start. "This is my father."


Virgil's POV:

I am going to fucking attack someone. So. Let me get this gay:

For the past few months, I have been living with the son of one of the men who works as a higher-up at the place I've been tortured out of my mind for the last thirteen years of my life.

I'm still trying to process his comment about my brother. Yeah, okay. I admit it. I'm a murderer or whatever. I probably deserved it.
Either way, I'm pissed at him for having such a nice son.

Melanie pushes herself off the wall she was leaning on, signaling that she was going to speak. "Yeah, I'm gonna need an explaination for that one, Lo."

Dr Berry- Gods, I'm so stupid. I literally don't know how I didn't make that connection sooner.
Dr Berry looks over to his son and smiles overly-happily. "I'll leave you to exchange pleasantries, just wanted to say 'Hi!' to my favourite son."

He turns on his heel and walks out. I can't believe this. Johns (who I forgot was in the room) turns to my direction.
"I don't want to hear that kind of language again. It only ever leads to bad things for you."


"Sorry, I didn't hear that one. Am I a 'fucking dickhead'?" Dr Berry asks, pushing the tip of the knife deeper into my shin.

"No! I'm sorry, you're not! FUCK!" I scream that last part really loud as he pushes it further in. My eyes are wrapped in a blindfold and my hands pinned above my head. 

"Without cursing." He scolds.

"I- Im sorry. I didn't mean it-" He pulls the knife away from my skin, and I feel the warm blood dripping down my leg come at a faster pace.


The door to the room shuts and I look over to Logan, half curious, half annoyed. "Go on, then." I spit, gesturing for him to start telling the story.

"Fine. It's not a complicated story, though. My life isn't a fanfiction."

"He married my mother before she told him that she was different, she knew his work but she was apparently so madly in love with him that she didn't care as long as he didn't know. They copulated, had me, and it was fine. Until I started to show signs that I had special abilities, that is. And, as I'm sure you all know. This type of thing is genetic. It doesn't just appear in bloodlines. It can dissapear in some kids, sure. But it isn't created out of thin air."

"Which is why my father knew it was my mother who had the gene. I was about eight, I think. They got into a massive fight and he- uh. He killed her. I don't even remember what happened, I ran. I ran really far. And fast. I guess I ran to the only place that I knew existed other than school. My best friend Patton's house."


Heyo! Author here! Sorry this chapter is kind of shitty. My maths teacher tested positive for the virus which I'm sure I don't have to name, which means that I'm having to self-isolate for two weeks, and I'm having to do my school lessons at home, which is really stressful.

But, yeah. Thanks for reading this chapter!

Have a good day, and stay safe!

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