Space colony part 1

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A/N hey guys, sorry for the late up dates. I took a baby hiatus for the holidays but I'm back now. Should make my New Years resolution to stop procrastinating and start writing. Anyway, on with the chapter!

Bree was waving a magazine in front of her face frantically trying to cool herself down. "I am so happy Mr.  Davenport gave everyone the day off. It is way too hot to train.

"Yeah well, lucky for you your bother's a bionic air conditioner." Adam said, he was about to use his large lung capacity to cool them down but chase waved him off.

"Adam, nobody wants your disgusting breath blowing all over - " Adam ignored him, "oh my heavens that is so much better. Get my back, get my back."

The hydroloop doors opened to reveal Tasha, and her husband, Donald. The group all ran to hug Tasha after not seeing her in what felt like years.

"Ahem," Donald cleared his throat, "everybody, I have a very important announcement. I.. Donald Davenport am the first person to create a lovable environment on another planet.  Behold... my very own space colony." Douglas pointed to the monitor showing a dome like structure on a beige piece of land.

"You colonised a planet? Why didn't you tell me?!" chase complained.

"Or me! Do you know how cool that would have been to help with! The compounds that would have to go into this to create a habitat. It's beautiful."

"It was top secret! And because every-time i tell you guys anything, you blow it up, burn it down, crack it in half of sink it."

"Woah, that might be true for them, but I've helped you with loads of products that have been very successful for you!"

"Yeah okay, that's true. Next time."

"Better be a next time." Amelia muttered.

"It looks cool. Is that Mars?" Bree asked.

Donald scoffed, "please. Mars? Mars is for amateurs. I colonised a planet in an entirely different galaxy. Oh, by the way, did i mention i discovered an entirely different galaxy?"

Amelia began to move forward as though she was about to completely take down Donald but was stopped by Adam resting his hand on her shoulder.

"How dare you." Chase growled.

"The planet is called lithium's and this high tech dome mimics the earths environment,  provides oxygen and gravity to the 50 colonists that i hand picked for the colony. I'm also the honorary mayor of the colony, which i have named davenportia."

"I hate you." Amelia said.

"The colonists have been there for months and they are lovin' every Davenport minute of it. And pretty soon you will all get to meet them.  That's right. We are going on a family vacation to space!"

"I am allowed to be involved in this part right?"

"Yes, of course, and ill take you to the chemicals and everything."

"Okay, im cool." Amelia agreed.


They stepped on the spaceship that was destined to take them to the colony in space.  They were all dressed up in black padded space suits. "This is it. Welcome to my intergalactic space craft. This is my pride and joy. Isn t she beautiful?" Donald stated.

"Wow! I never though I'd be jealous of a spaceship." Tasha realised.

"Oh, come on, honey. Dont be jealous. You don't stand a chance against this thing."

""Mr.  Davenport, this place is really cool. If i was a nerd id be totally geeking out over it."

"Oh my gods, chase, get over here and look at this energy transformer."

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