Sink or swim Part 1.

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Amelia had allowed them to escape the elevator by using her penknife to mess with the circuitry boards. Donald though that what she was doing would never work but he was sorely mistaken when she hit something with the screwdriver and the metal doors came falling down. They stepping inside the once high tech lab to see chunks of charcoal and molten metal. There wasn't a single invention that had survived the firefly explosion. As they got further into the lab they saw Tasha standing in the middle of the rubble, all of their hearts dropped at that moment. They were so thankful that everyone was alive and safe-ish, but as they looked around at the destroyed home they couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a sense of devastation over it all.

"It's worse thank I thought." Donald's voice broke which added to the disaster out atmosphere.

"The blast took out everything." Leo added.

"I can't believe your own brother would do this. He could have killed Leo!" Tasha went over to hold onto her son leaving Donald and Amelia to look at her waiting for her to add on, "...and you guys too."

"Leo, the mission specialist desk-" Amelia sighed as she looked over at the pile of broken black glass. "Leo I'm so sorry."

"My, my desk. Okay that it. Im going to hit Douglas where he lives. As soon as i find out where he lives." Leo said pacing around the lab.

"He's not going to get away with this. He took so much from all of us last time, and it wasn't enough? He had to destroy the foundations of of well this." Amelia struggled to find the right words to speak, she was so angry and frustrated at everything.

"Look at their capsules." Douglas was staring at the space where they used to be. Instead of three sleek glass chambers there was shattered glass and metallic pipes and graphite everywhere. There was no sign that three bionic teenagers used to sleep there every night. "There's nothing left."

"Where are we going to go from here?" Amelia asked.

"There's not much we can do. The house isn't ours anymore."

"Speaking of which the bank wants us out, ill go gather the rest of our stuff." Tasha left the lab.

"All your hard work. Millions of dollars worth of equipment. Gone." Leo said looking around.

"All this stuff can be replaced- - Adam, Bree and Chase can't. We have to find them before Douglas does." Donald said

"How are we supposed to find them, they didn't tell us where they are going, they disabled their GPS. They could be anywhere in the world right now. They jus left us, because we weren't there, and if we're not there soon we may never see them again." Amelia began to ramble, she didn't know where to go from here. She couldn't offer them room at her house because there was no room. There was literally nothing she could do.


In the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the sea, in the middle of a boat, three teenagers were hiding behind the cargo boxes.

"Whew, after the last six hours i can confidently say there is no ladylike way to sit on an anchor." Bree gasped for breath.

"What are you complaining about? I had a seagull using my head as a nest." Chase scuffed his hair, brushing out any loose feathers.

"Where are we headed anyway?"

"No idea. I can't Pinpoint our coordinates without our GPS locators."

"I bet we're going to Acapulco." Adam joined into the conversation. "It's where all the cruise ships go."

"Adam, we're not on a cruise ship. It's a cargo freighter." he told his brother.

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