Armed and Dangrous.

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The halls were lined of students holding up their phones in anticipation to get a photo or video of the bionic teenagers. Press joined in holding up their large camera's in hopes of getting an interview with them. First Agent Graham came in and spoke "student of Mission creek, please welcome your bionic super humans!"

As they walked in they received a cheers and applauses, Adam spoke up next, "and our trust little mascot Chase."

In one of the press camera's graham announced once again, "now that im in charge of the bionic team, im going to be taking them to a whole new level, trust me you're going to be seeing a whole lot more of them."

Chase turned to his sister. "Wow, it's like we're celebrities."

"We are, and this is just the beginning." Graham whispered.

Chase saw Amelia on the staircase once again, flashbacks of what happened to her was burnt in his memory and it looked like it was burnt into hers too. He ran up the stairs to go and see her. "It's a lot isn't it?" Chase chuckled.

"More than a lot, people who didn't even know you existed until a week ago now claim they're your best friend. Everybody who comes near you want's a picture or an autograph. Girls swoon over you at every corner."

"Am i hinting a slight growth of jealousy."

"No. I wouldn't want all of this. I just find it ironic how you walk these halls as a hero due to a chip in your neck, and i walked through these halls as a Zombie because of mine."

"You're not going to expose yourself are you?"

"No, of course not. Douglas told me not to and i respect that, plus i need more training before i can actually do anything other than make a sheild or shadow pop sickle."

'Careful, if you call it that im sure Adam will try to eat it."

Amelia let out a weak laugh at Chase's joke." I just can't believe this is all happening, a week ago there was secret missions and now you're all over the world drinking coffee in interviews."

"Oh i don't drink coffee."

"I know, it was just the first thing that popped in my mind."

"Are you going to be okay with all of this?"

"Im going to have to be, we want the government on our side if you don't want to become a lab rat."

"But are-" Chase was interrupted by the school bell.

"I'm happy that it's going well for you, i truly am. I just need to get used to all the new people in the lab and all the new things that have to be done because you're a celebrity." Amelia smiled faintly and walked to class.


After school, Donald was in the lab holding a heavy metal barrel. It was clear that he was struggling and one of the FBI agents just stared at him, "no, don't get up. I've got it."

"Here, let me help." Amelia got up from her station and started to lift the barrel with him.

From the tunnels, the shrill sound of laughter erupted as Adam, Bree, Chase and Graham walked in, "what's so funny?" Donald questioned.

"Oh, nothing." Chase tried to save Donald's feelings.

"Agent Graham said that most amazing piece of technology in the while lab is your hair."

"Haha, hysterical. You're fifteen minutes late for training."

"Actually, their training has been put on hold until further notice. Didn't you read the memo, oh wait thats right, you're not on the memo list."

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