Perry 2.0

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"Morning, germ sacks." Perry called out on a late 50's microphone, "i know you've been complaining  that the technology around here isn't quite- ahem, isn't quite" the microphone began to crack and lose sound whilst she was talking, she slammed it down on her palm creating a high pitched sound that made all the students squirm, "state of the art, so thanks to yours truly, we're getting cutting edge equipment for the whole school to enjoy. Jo jo, Betty, lets go ladies." The two lunch ladies wheeled in a tray the was covered by a silver blanket. "Behold! Mission Creek high's brand new media centre !" The lunch lady unveiled the machine, it was an old square tv that weighed over fifty pounds and had two channels. It was the type of television their grandparents used to get their thrill of the local news from. Not a single student was impressed by this 'state of the art media centre'.

"I don't think you can call it technology if you have to change the channel with pliers." Leo said.

"Why do i smell formaldehyde?" Chase questioned.

"'Cause i found it on a curb outside the morgue." Perry said.

"Great, that means even the dead are more high tech than us." Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Seriously, how is this thing new?" Chase complained.

"It's new to you, Lady-face." Perry walked away before she got anymore questioning.

"Don't mind her, i think your Lady-face is cute" Amelia pinched his cheek and laughed at his disappointed look.

"Okay lets life up the media centre" Perry was handed one end of a plug by a lunch lady, she plugged the tv in. It started to crackle and produced a horrible white noise that caused it to spark taking out the electricity in the school. "Okay, minor set black. But just so you know, you all look a lot better in this light."


After school, Leo, Chase and Amelia were in the lab studying for history, "guys read what's on page 47 of your history book." Chase said.

"I don't have a page 47, i have a four, a twelve, a thirty two and what i hope is gum on ninety eight." Leo said, slipping through his sheets.

"Hate to break it to you Leo, that's not gum, and i only have page 1, page 26 and page 100." Amelia said looking down at her scatted sheets of torn up history.

"This book is so old, listen to this" Chase began to read his page, "chapter four, horseless carriages taking over the streets of America."

"Other schools teach on laptops and tablets. We're reading from text books that warn us the British are coming."

"Well at least we arrived in style." Amelia chuckled feeling that second hand embarrassment from her ancestors.

"No offence Amelia, you're not half bad for a colonising freak." Amelia playfully pushed Leo's head at his remark. "We just need to bring mission creek high to the 21st century."

"Oo, maybe i can help." Donald said as he overheard his sons remark.

They all shouted no in unison, the last thing they needed was their egotistical dad plastering his name all over the school making everyone else hate them more than they already did.

"What? I am a genius tech mogul!" Donald insisted. "I can revolutionise your whole school. Why wouldn't you want me to help?"

"Because every time you try to help, it starts in a good place and then your ego takes over and ruins everything." Leo replied.

"That is not true give me one example."

"Last week you gave me a new backpack."

"What you said you needed a new backpack."

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