You posted What?

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In a 200 mile forest, a pipe line had burst letting out toxic flammable gas. Adam, Bree and Chase had arrived to try and solve the problem.

"Guys, the rupture is getting worse. That's natural gas." Chase said. " we have to fix that leak or we'll explode. Go check the rest of the pipeline for cracks." He told Bree who went off superseding into the forest. Chase examined the crack, "oh, we have to move fast. The whole pipe is very unstable."

"You ever wonder what it would be like if we weren't bionic?" Adam questioned, leaning on the unstable pipe. "What's like the first thing you'd do."

Chase began to get frustrated, "not get trapped in these stupid conversations."

"You know what i would do if i wasn't bionic? Try to become bionic."

"Can we just do this?"

"Fine. I seal the crack with my heat vision."

"Yes. Let's shoot blistering heat at highly flammable gas."

"I just said that were you not listening?"

"Just, let me contain it with my force field first." Chase created an oval ball in his hands and hovered it over the crack sealing away the gas. "All right it s only going to hold it for a few seconds, go."

Adam started heating up the metal pipe, melting the steel allowing it to merge together again and seal the crack. "Pipe secured."

from behind them Bree ran up, there was twig branches from trees stuck in her hair and her skin was now covered in blisters. "Checked all 200 miles, 70 of which had poison oak."

"All right, let's get out of here" Chase urged.

"All right, trap on." Bree said itching her neck from the poison oak bites.

""Actually. Im gonna take the bus."

"Yeah, me too." Adam and Chase ran off to the nearest bus station, leaving Bree to superspeed herself home.

But, from the bushes, a girl no older than the three bionic children appeared. She had long black/brown hair that matched her eyes and an evil smile. She looked down at her phone which had a full recording of everything that had just been done.


The next day at school, the hallways were littered with students hovering over tablets and phones. As the Davenports and Dooley walked in they all began to whisper and mutter, staring suspiciously at the family.

"What's everyone looking at?" Bree asked Perry.

"A new viral video. Guess what it's called? The worlds fist bionic humans."

"What?" They all said in unison, Perry showed the video of their pipeline mission. Chase looked up in frustration and saw Amelia talking to a girl he didn't recognise. She had shoulder length dirty blonde hair and kaleidoscope eyes. Her face was plastered in freckles, much like Amelia's and she was only about an inch shorter than his girlfriend.

"I need to talk to Amelia." Chase ran up the stairs to her.

"Chase! I didn't know if you'd come in." Amelia said.

"I didn't know what was going on until 5 seconds ago and uh, whose this?" Chase looked at the other girl.

"Oh, this is a new student. I was just introducing myself, and im sorry i didn't quite catch your name."

"Oh, its. Uhm." The girl whispered something under her breath that was inaudible to hear."I'll let you two talk." She went behind them and opened up her locker, eavesdropping in what they were saying.

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