Break up or make up.

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Chase didn't waste a minute, he ran out of the lab as fast as he could to get to Amelia's house. He didn't even stop to change out of his mission suit or stop and think about whether she was home, but it was nearly nine o'clock so where would she be at this hour?
Chase felt his feet stomp hard on the pavement after every step. Adrenalin coursed through his veins, surging power into his muscles allowing him to move at a higher pace than he had every moved before. It was times like this he wished he had his sister's speed, if he did he would have been at her house in no time, but alas he didn't. Chase began to feel his heart pound heavily in his chest as he reached her street.

He was almost there.

He finally stopped running as he reached her lawn, he stood there for a while looking at the house. Each deep breath felt like his lungs here being stabbed by the cold relentless air. His hands began to shake as he rang the doorbell.

Amelia was sat in her room when she heard her door ring, she knew she'd have to answer it as her parents were on a date night and her brother was too lazy.  Reluctantly she climbed out of her bed and trampled down the stairs. She'd found herself finding everyday tasks a little harder after her argument with Chase, he had avoided her all week. But there was nothing she could do to fix it now, she had done what was necessary and chase just needed time, but how much time was he going to take she wondered. She had started to worry that he might never come back. That was until she opened the door and saw him there, standing in his grey mission suit and snow trousers.

"You came back?" Her voice croaked as she spoke, she couldn't believe that he had, she walked out onto her lawn with him and closed her door.

"We need to talk about what happened, we can't just leave this at what we said outside Marcus' house." Chase said looking down her street at where Marcus used to live, his blood boiled at saying his name.

"I couldn't agree more.. but why are you wearing that? What if someone see's you in your mission suit? And what on earth are those trousers?" Amelia questioned, examining his suit.

"I just came back from a mission and i didn't have time to change. And i was in Antarctica so thats why i have the snow trousers on." Chase explained.  Amelia found herself looking at the logo that was placed in the middle of his chest, she always imagined the three circles representing Chase and his siblings being interlocked and united, and the way the three circles wrapped around each other couldn't help but make Amelia feel like it meant they would always be stronger together as a team.

"Wait. You were in Antarctica?" Amelia looked slightly worried at the sound of this as earlier she was reading about the category 5 storm that threatened it.

"Yes, oh wait that reminds me. Here." Chase pulled out Amelia's pocket knife and placed it in her hands.

"My pocket knife? But, how? The last time i saw this it was lodged into Douglas' back?"

"When i was in Antarctica, i was engulfed in snow from an avalanche. Douglas saved my life and tried to convince me to joint his side. He gave me this to give back to you, and don't worry I've already scanned it there has been no tweaking of it, its still just a regular pen knife."

"Woah, whoa,woah. Douglas? How did you-"

"I did exactly what you did, i pretended to be the bad guy and tricked him. He is now frozen in a block of ice at one of Mr Davenports facilities."

"Oh, i never thought you'd try to pull that off after what i did..." Amelia chuckled lightly before clearing her throat.

"I never could have if it wasn't for you. I'd been examining the last couple of months so frequently that i had picked up a thing or two about lying and pretending to be something im not. You saved my families life more than once and there is no way i could thank you enough for that."

"Is this you saying you forgive me?" Or you're just grateful?"

"What you did hurt me Amelia, and I've found it so hard to forgive you for being with Marcus-"

"I never loved him Chase, it was all a ploy. I'd never do that to you."

"Yes, but i didn't know that then." Chase gulped and then retold his near death experience. "As that avalanche came down on me, you were the first thing that appeared in my mind, and in fact, you haven't left my Mind since i first met you. And for this past week i have been looking at everything trying to find a tell that made me realise everything you did wasn't the real you, wasn't the you i fell in love with. I couldn't find a thing i until i nearly died. Your smile. Your beautiful bright smile that lights up the room. The smile when you looked at me had no faults, it was so genuine and something you couldn't fake.  But the way you smiled at Marcus was different, you smiled with everything but your eyes. They looked blankly at him as you tried to pass off your smile as a genuine love when it wasn't. Thats when i realised that everything you did was for me, was for my family."
"You never intended to hurt us in this way, but we couldn't help but see you as a traitor, and maybe for a short while you were; you did what you had to do and i can't keep on blaming you for that. Not when i feel such a strong connection to you. This past week has been torture not being with you and i wanted nothing more than to hold you in my arms again but i was to stubborn and hurt to open myself up to that until now.
Amelia Arnolds, i love you and i want to be with you."

Amelia wiped a tear that had fallen down her cheek and rushed into chase's arms, they held each other for a moment before she replied. "I love you too, Chasey, but to stop this from happening again we need to promise each other something."

Chase pulled his body away from the warm hug to look into Amelia's eyes, "what is it?"

"We need to promise to tell each other next time, next time one of us goes undercover, or has to lay low, or something happens that can have a major impact, we must tell each other. Okay?"

"Okay, i promise. From now on we tell each other about our secret missions, so to say."

"Good." Amelia let out a sigh of relief that she was back to normal with Chase and that she felt like she had her second family back. "I've missed you Chasey."

"Ive missed you too Ames." Chase had called her Ames for the first time and usually she hated anyone but her family calling her that, but Chase had felt like family from the beginning that when he said it it felt so natural that Amelia couldn't help but adore the fact she had been addressed that way. She pulled Chase back into a hug and held on a little tighter this time, she never wanted to let go, and maybe she wouldn't have if it wasn't for her dumb brother.

"Yo, love birds. Can i get my sister back?" Wyatt shouted from the doorstep.

"You just always have to Ruin the mood don't you Wy?" Amelia said breaking away from the hug, still holding Chase's hand.

"It's my speciality. But seriously, stop hugging your boyfriend that's in his dress up and get your arse back to your bedroom before mum and dad get back home." Wyatt walked back into the house, making Amelia roll her eyes.

"I better get going, but I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yeah, id really like that, and im pretty sure the rest of my family have really missed you." Chase smiled and gave Amelia a kiss on the cheek before slowly releasing his grip on her hand and walking away.
Amelia felt her heart beat so quickly she was afraid it would burst. She was relieved and ecstatic that she finally had her love back, that things were finally getting back to normal.

But thats just what Amelia thought, she was ignorant to the evilness that still lurked in Mission Creek, and oblivious to the schemes that had developed in such a short amount of time. She wasn't as safe as she believes she was, and next time her pen knife wouldn't save her. She was in grave danger and It wouldn't be long now until she died. 

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