The afterdate

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It had been a few days since Amelia had held Chases hand and kissed him in front of everyone. He didn't know exactly what it meant for the two of them, were they dating? Close friends that apparently kiss? Was it just a one time thing? Did she even mean it? He was so full of different thoughts he believed his brain might explode, not even to mention the fact he couldn't stop imagining the soft feeling of her hand in his. Chase had been working up the courage to talk to her about it, to talk to her about anything regarding the two of them, he wanted desperately to stride over to her and ask her for a date and he didn't exactly know why he hadn't. 
Amelia walked into the school and went straight to her locker, like she always did in the morning. She wore black jeans and a blue denim jacket that contrasted her burnt orange top. Her hair was wrapped in a messy bun with strands falling and cascading over her face.
From across the hall Chase spotted her, he felt his heart longing to be near her, he took a deep breath and walked over.

"Hey, Amelia, can i ask you something?" Chase swallowed the lump in his throat after he spoke.

"Of course, what's up?" She grinned.

"I was wondering if you have any plans for this evening?" Chase looked at the ground, twirling his thumbs in anticipation.

"Uhm, I don't believe that I do, why ?''

"I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me tonight?" He looked into her big adoring eyes that he couldn't help but get lost in the different blues that made up her iris.

"Sure, I'd love to, what are you planning?" Amelia felt her heart beat a million miles a minute. She was over the moon , she'd been waiting for this since their kiss at the dance. She was tempted to ask him if he hadn't stepped up, but now he had and they could finally get somewhere.

"Dinner at this little Italian place I know. I know it's a cliché date but this is my first.."

Amelia let out a small laugh, "no it's okay, I like clichés. All my romcom dreams are coming true."

"I'll pick you up at seven then?"

"Can't wait" Amelia smiled closed her locker before walking to biology class with her date.


Chase knocked on Amelias door at 7 sharp and stood back waiting for her to appear. He wore a suit and tie because he's cheesy that way and held a single rose. It felt like an eternity before the door was opened when in reality it was just a few seconds before Amelia swung it open. She wore an orange skirt with a navy jumper, her hair was even wavier than normal and the top was held back with clips that met at the back of her head.

"hey" she greeted, "you look handsome."

"you too... I mean beautiful, you look beautiful as always." Chase stumbled.

"why thank you, and I often class myself as handsome too" she laughed.

"shall we?" chase opened his arm for her to lock into, on which she obliged. They began to walk to their meal.

A few moments later, they arrived at a little restaurant just off the beginnings of town.

"L'ombra? That's a pretty name." Amelia observed.

"it means the shadow in Italian, weird name for a restaurant but their food is magnificent."

"I'm holding you too that, but their like-ability for me only depends on one thing... The taste of their pepperoni pizza!" Amelia cultured Chase on her eating habits as they walked in.

Throughout the night there was never a dull moment. The two of them talked in perfect conversation never faltering to think of something to say or ask to one another. They talked about their greatest dreams, fears, funniest moments and most embarrassing. They shared weird family moments and their favourite countries.
It wasn't long before it started to get dark at the time hit 9 o'clock and they thought it best to leave after spending 2 hours there. They split the bill, because Amelia refused to let Chase pay in full. And left into the warm spring night air.

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