Adam up

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Adam, Bree and Chase were training on the simulator, Leo and Amelia were at the mission specialist desk observing their progress.

"Great job guys, you just took out an entire unit of virtual cyborgs." Leo said.

"That was seriously awesome though, they came at you from every angle and you countered every attack!" Amelia was astonished.

"Well, we are super human." Chase gloated walking over to his girlfriend.

"All right Leo, im off the clock, let's get out of here." Adam said.

"Woah woah woah, just because Davenports not here doesn't mean we can slack of training." Chase said, receiving a groan from everyone else in the room. "How do you think i feel? Im missing a four hour documentary on the history of the printing press."

"Guys, please don't leave, you cant make me watch that with him. Please." Amelia begged.

"Look, Leo and i were going to play human bull's eye bounce, and you're welcome to join. And don't worry its way more dangerous than it sounds"

"Hell yeah, im down."

"What but you were so excited about the printer."

"Honey, no one gets excited over a printer press."

"Guys, Chase is right. No matter how much i love watching you guys get hurt.. we have to train. " Bree said.

"Oh, come on. The adults are away! If we don't take advantage by doing something destructive, we're no better than... Chase" Leo complained.

"He's right."

"Amelia!?" Chase shouted, but instead of getting back up he just got his girlfriend to stick his tongue out at him. "Look, im sorry but unless he can be in two places at once, he's training. C'mon, let's go get the bo staffs."

"Oh man i never get to do what i want. It's not fair." Adam moaned.

"Aww. Are all of your cool bionic abilities and top secret missions getting you down?" Bree asked.

"Aw, thanks Bree i knew you'd understand."

Chase, Bree and Amelia went off to collect the bo staffs, making the idiotic decision to leave Adam and Leo alone. It wasn't long before Eddy took advantage of this situation and led them to Amelia's and Donald's new invention. A cellular duplicator. They went over to this machine and examined it quickly.

"It just needs a sample of your DNA" Eddy explained.

"Oo, i got this." Adam spat into the machine. The machine started to glow blue, whirling and beeping sounds began as the invention duplicated Adam.

"You know you coulda just put your hair in there, right?"

"Eww, that'd be gross."

From the machine a white and orange substance emerged falling onto the floor. It looked like it was a breathing extraterrestrial goo. But quite unexpectedly it began to grow, and grow until it was 6 feet tall. It was hideous, and the boys began to worry they made a large mistake trying out the prototype. But through the slime features began to form, short black hair and a muscular face and soon enough it looked exactly like him.

"Woah, awesome!" Adam started moving around, his clone mimicked every action he did. Adam and Leo then heard the doors beginning to open and ran upstairs, leaving the clone in his place.

"Right, lets try this again. And Adam, please remember: the cyborgs are fake, but im real." Chase said.

"Just one question, is this real?" Adam smacked Chases back with the bo staff.

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