Mission mania

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"Every bodies safe." Bree announced to her brothers as she superspeeded the last person to them. They had just saved people from a scorching wildfire. Camera crews and the citizens all chanted their names. Except Leo's, his name stayed out of the chant which make Leo annoyed and frustrated. He had been going on missions for months and people still didn't know his name. He needed to do something that proved he was a worthy hero.


At the bionic island, in the common area,  Leo, Amelia, Spin and Bob were stood listening to Douglas, "so, long story short, Donnie put me in charge of developing technology for the academy. But only on a trial basis." Douglas had a mimicking tone on those last words, trying to convey his displeasure of it..

"Why just a trial basis?" Spin asked.

"I honestly don't know."

"You tried to annihilate his whole family." Leo yelled.

"Come on, you met him, can you blame me?"

"Don't worry, big guy, I'm sure you'll wipe him out next time." Bob encouraged.

"Bob, we don't want him to annihilate Donald and his entire family." Amelia said.


"The point is, i have a chance to get back into my brother's good graces. So I've been working on some new devices that are going to really impress Donnie. What do you guys want to see first? The Stabber 2000? Plague in a bottle? Uh-oh, here comes the pencil Bazooka. You can't erase the injuries this thing will cause." Douglas chuckled.

"Uhm Douglas, did you make anything, i don't know, that can't be used to torture anyone? I mean, seriously, how would any of this be used at the academy?" Amelia questioned.

"How should i know?" Douglas said, frustratedly.

"Look, Douglas, big D doesn't way violent devices, he wants things that are going to improve our lives." Leo stated.

"Well, i don't know if that's really in my wheelhouse. I have been destroying things for years, and now I'm supposed to help people?  Where did my life go so wrong?"

"When we kicked your arse and made you a good guy." Amelia said. "Look, your inventions are not supposed to hurt people, take that chair you nearly made Bob throw up his stomach, and not just the food, the actual stomach. You need to create something that wont maim the kids."

"Why's this school always about the kids?"

"Because it's a school Douglas."

"Yeah yeah"


Amelia was chilling in the mentors room when the mentors and Leo walked in in their full mission suits. "15 straight missions and not one of them was a real emergency.  What a waste of my immense talent and unique skill set."

"Really? Why are you getting so many false mission alerts?" Amelia questioned, standing up to help Chase with his Mission bag.

"No idea, but it is so annoying."

"Guys, i feel proud to spend time with our adoring public. Now if you excuse me, America's newest bionic hero  is about to get busy with some baby grapes." Leo said.

"What did you do Leo? You don't like spending time with the public that much." Amelia asked.

"You just don't understand it, Amelia, because you're not mission ready. When you're out there, there is something so great about saving people."

"Okay, so it has nothing to do with that business card in this bag pocket with the mission helpline and your face and photoshopped bicep on it?"

"I just wanted people to know I was part of the team."

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