Lab rats Vs mighty med part 2

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The seven of them dropped into the middle of the hospital and Oliver welcomed them with a greeting, "Welcome to mighty med, the world's best superhero hospital."

"First i get to travel through a wormhole,  and now I'm in a superhero hospital? This is the best day ever!" Leo exclaimed.

"Uhm, Leo, your brothers dying here..." Amelia reminded him.

"Really know how to ruin a guys day don't you?"

"Put Chase over here." Oliver gestured towards one of the free medical beds,  Adam rushed over and laid chase on the bed.

"Horace! Chase was blasted by the Incapacitator.  He needs immediate attention." Kaz informed hurriedly.

"Oh, no, not chase. This is terrible. Whose chase?"

"Him." Kaz pointed to the unconscious chase and Horace made his way towards him.

He held his hand out, "nice to meet you." Receiving nothing in return he turned back to Kaz, "he's not very friendly is he? So what type of superhero is chase, other than an impolite one?"

No, he's not a superhero.  He's a human with a bionic chip that gives him super abilities." Bree explained.

"Except for the ability to say hello .  Chase you're embarrassing us." Adam sneered.

"Give him a break, he's unconscious."

"Hey, that is no excuse for the silent treatment."

"Yes it is!" Amelia argued with Adam.

Skylar walked by the new faces in confusion, "what's going on? Who are these people?"

"I'll explain later. But the short version is, bionic arm, super strength, super fast, super shadows, super unconscious." Kaz explained.

"Are you going to be able to help him?" Amelia asked Horace.

"I have everything under control, chase will be perfectly fine.  Kaz Oliver, come with me."

The three walked away in private, "i have a meeting to attend then ill inform you on what to do next."

"I'm so glad you know how to save chase."

"Me, too but there is one minor issue, i don't know how to cure chase."


"I'm sorry but I've never seen biotechnology like that before."

"Then why'd you say you could cure him."

"Easier than saying you can't, now I've got to go. Bye."

Amelia saw Horace leaving, the boys looked worried and concerned and she knew exactly why.  She began to walk over to them, "guys can i talk to you?"


"You guys don't know how to save Chase do you?"

"What makes you say that?" They tried to play off.

"I can tell when people are lying, its complicated but i just know okay.  Is there truly nothing you can do?"

"Look, we have no idea how to save him,  but we're going to think of any way possible way to save him .  We insisted for you all to come here and we're not going to let you down."

"Okay, i believe you.  No one else knows he was lying .  They don't need this stress when that villain is out there. Just keep me in the loop okay?"

"Okay, we will do."

"Thank you."

The three made their way back to Chase's hospital bed, "is everything okay?" Leo asked.

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