The vanishing: Part one

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Bob rushed into the training area proclaiming he was there. His hair was in a mess and he was greatly out of breath from running.

"Bob, you're late again." Chase noted.

"It's not my fault i overslept. It's Bree's."

"What, how is it my fault?"

"You keep showing up in my dreams." Bob smirked as he recalled his dream.

Before that situation could be addressed - donald and douglas danced into the room, giggling like toddlers that had just heard the most amazing joke. "What's up with you? Someone ask you to prom?"Leo questioned, trying not to laugh at the sight of them.

"No. But thanks for opening up old wounds." Douglas snapped.

"After countless hours of research and development. Douglas and I have finally perfected the most amazing bionic operating system upgrade ever."

"This upgrade is gonna be like going from motor scooters to jet engines. It's make all of your abilities 10x stronger." Donald and Douglas explained.

"So, we all get this upgrade?" Amelia questioned

"Well, i mean Leo wont. Because i mean limbs aren't the same as a chip."

"Mr.  Davenport, are you sure this new upgrade is safe. I mean, some of the students haven't mastered their bionics at the current level."

"Don't worry, I've built in a skill app that allows the students to master their amped up abilities instantly. "

"Bottom line, this is the best upgrade ever."

"But, doesn't this upgrade make the use of mentors irrelevant?" Amelia realised.

"Uhhh, well, i mean, possibly. We will figure that out later."

"Of course, how we role. Act first, think second." Amelia rolled her eyes and smiled.


Later in the day, Douglas was stationed in the Training area. One by one he implanted the upgrade into the student's bionic chips. "How's it going with the upgrade?" Donald asked his brother when he walked in.

"I'll let you be the judge. Go ahead, Jenny. Show him how powerful you are now." Jenny created a ball of fire in her hand and rolled it across the floor. Burning in between Donalds legs. "Well, that's the last of the students."

"Great, I'll do Adam, Amelia, bree and Chase. Okay Adam, we will do you first." Donald put the bionic pads on Adam's neck and tried to upload the upgrade but it wouldn't take. "That's weird the upgrades not taking."

"It's probably searching for his brain." Bree joked.

"Bree, let's try you." The same happened again. "Chase." Once again the upgrade failed. "I don't get it why isn't the upgrade working on any of them?"

"Probably because their bionics are first generation. We built the upgrade for the students' infrastructure. It must not be compatible with their older systems."

"There must be some way you could adapt it."

"I could probably work something up. But given how old your bionic architecture is. I'll never be able to match the power the students have."

"Wait... wait. What about me? My bionic chip is nothing like the first gen, but its also not the students." Amelia questioned. Grabbing onto her neck. She could feel the slight indent of where the chip was placed.

"I honestly, i don't know. I based your chip off of the design of this new chip but i had to make tweaks to fit the circumstances. I'm doubtful to give it to you... if your chip gets fried and your healing stops and reverses... it's too risky. I'll need to examine your chip more."

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