Under Seige

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Perry and her annoying, manipulative niece Kerry stepped off of the hydro loop with a suitcase that was nearly as big as them. Perry opened her arms in a loving greeting and spoke, "Welcome to Perry's paradise resort. Don't worry about your bags. One of the robot bellhops will get them." Perry clapped and Adam came running to pick up the bag.

"Oh, yeah, suitcase sled. Woo hoo." Adam centred himself on the suitcase and rolled straight into the training arena.

"You remember my sweet niece Kerry." Perry said to Amelia, Bree and Chase.

"No, but would your evil niece Kerry like to introduce her to us?" Bree asked.

Perry chuckled, "she's staying for the weekend. Give her a room with a view." Perry passed Chase a paper slip acting like it was a tip for his service.

"This is money from a board game."

"And there's plenty more where that came from."

"Don't worry, i won't be a bother. You wont even know i am here. I just want to spend some quality time with my favourite Auntie Terry." Kerry smiled.

"I have been accused of being fun. And of identity thief."

"You're not fooling us, Kerry. You act all nice until your aunt's gone, then you go off to trip roller skaters and sell ice packs to the injured."

"My sweet niece would never do that. Everyone knows that the rolling rink is my turf. Dougie!" Perry squeaked as Douglas came down the stairs, "Kerry, I'd like to meet you to your future uncle, Douglas."

"I've heard all about you, you're the one obsessed with my aunt."

"Yeah. She is a, uh, handsome woman." Douglas played along.

"Settle down, Romeo, there's kids here. C'mon, help me get her room ready." Perry started walking in the way of the dorms.

"Yeah. Be right there." Douglas said as he ran in the opposite direction.

"So this is the monster who owned you last year? What did she do? Not invite you to her tea party?" Leo laughed.

"Keep talking and I'll snap those little twigs you call arms." Kerry snapped.

"Damn, did i really teach you nothing?" Amelia asked, "you still could lie so much better."

"You, again? I thought your big mouth would have got you killed by now."

"Oh it did, but I'm too stubborn to die, plus i wasn't going to allow all the lying abilities res at... this.." Amelia gestured to all of Kerry.

"You wont get away with this attitude this time, you can't manipulate my Aunt with the school board anymore."

"Oh, i have many thing she doesn't want reviled. You can't touch me, Kers."

Kerry let out a loud grunt in frustration, "but, i can, I've fooled so many-"

"But you can't fool me. Remember that. Now, what are you doing here, pipsqueak."

"Going low till the heat blows over. Got sloppy back at my last job at the Creek."

"What did you do this time?" Chase asked.

"Till the witness wakes up... nothing. Just stay out of may way, and I'll stay out of yours." Kerry started before walking in the same direction her Aunt did earlier.

"Hey, she took my wallet." Chase tried to run after her but was somehow cuffed to Bree who didn't realise. The both looked at their wrists confused.

"Oh, you got owned again." Leo laughed, trying to walk away but tripped at his cuffed feet.

"This is why you have to be an alpha around the Perry's or they make you their -"

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