Speed Trapped

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The gang were in the lab preparing for their greatest mission of all. Exploring the new frozen yogurt shop.
This opening was going to be the greatest social event of their lives, everyone who was anyone at school was going to be there. If any single one of them missed it they would be ridiculed for life, shunned, eradicated from the minds of the struggling students.

"Tonight's the night!" Chase gleamed. " the new frozen yogurt shop is opening! Fifty two flavours and four of them are sugar free." Bree looked at her brother worriedly at his excitement for sugar free products. " oh who are you kidding? You passed out the first time you discovered nail polish." Chase snapped back at her look.

"Ive heard of those yogurt places, they get you by charging you extra for the toppings. So, I'm brining my own."  Adam unzipped his Kharkiv army jacket to reveal over a two dozen zip-locked packets of sweets and nuts. "You don't even want to know what's in my pants" Adam said as he slammed his hands down on his thighs making him scream in pain from the hot butterscotch sauce.

"Sorry, you guys are coming home straight after school. So, no flavours, so yogurt, no hanging with the bros, peeps and homies." Davenport declared.

"Bros? Peeps? And homies? Dont.. just no." Bree said.

"What's got you so grouchy? They run out of human footstools at the rich guy club?" Leo joked.

"Did you forget your little buddy Marcus found the lab yesterday?" Donald pointed out. "He could have discovered our bionic secret."

"Oh! Okay, so its our fault your million-dollar smart home system didn't stop him?" Bree rose from her chair.

"Look, it doesn't matter whose fault it was, even though someone was supposed to be watching him." Davenport pointed at Leo discretely.

"But technically, someone pulled Leo away, letting Marcus roam free." Leo mimicked.

"Anyway, im going to have to keep a tighter leash on you three, and Leo because i cant always be there, you have to step it up and do a better job of watching out for them." Donald stressed.

"No problem big D, i may have let two goons get too close, but i wont let any more Marcus' or Amelias slip through the cracks." Disclosed Leo.

"Leo, Amelia is not a goon." Chase whined.

"Yeah, thats what you think."

Before, they went off to school, Leo started giving his brothers and sister a lecture on trusting no body, not even their own grandma. Then Davenport ran into the lab squealing with excitement, he hurried them through the door way, into his garage. In front of them parked a slick grey car.

"Meet the worlds first self-driving car, designed by yours truly. Thats right just when you though i couldn't get more awesome, boom! I got more awesome!" Donald boasted.

"So, how does this thing drive itself?" Leo asked.

"Oh,well, uh, see this panel on top? It receives a satellite signal and sends all the pertinent  information to the cars on board computer and voila, it drives itself. "Oh did i mention by the way, that is car goes 200 miles an hour?no? That's because it goes 300!" The four kids stood around the car basking in its glory. But the basking was soon interrupted by  a momma bear urging her kids to school.


At school Adam was trying to chat a girl up, he compliment her t-shirt and was making her smile, but Leo wasn't going to have any of that. He pushed in between them and scared her off. Leave Adam alone and single. Bree pushed Leo aside to her brothers to tell him off.

"Leo, you're taking this enforcer thing way too far."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Leo stopped s boy that was walking passed him and started scanning him with a metal detector. "You're good."

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