On the edge part two

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Two weeks had passed since Leo left the bionic academy, the whole davenport family - including Amelia - felt weird with him not being around. Yes he was annoying and just Leo but the loved him and wish that he had stayed. The mentors and Amelia were in the mentor room, Leo was on a screen calling in. "It's really weird not having you here, Leo." Bree said, she felt somewhat uneasy seeing him on the screen, she could see the dismal guilt still lurking in his eyes. "Everybody really misses you."

"It's been two weeks, when are you coming back?" Chase asked softly, feeling guilty over everything he said to Leo before he left.

"I'm sorry, guys. When i said i was done, i meant it. I've hung up my mission suit forever."

"Are you sure you can't change your mind?"

"Sorry, guys. I'm staying here. I gotta go. Mum's hosting her book club tonight, and I'm in charge of dessert. Turns out my laser sphere has caramelised the perfect creme brûlée."

"Leo if you ever change your mind, which i know you don't want to, your suit and us will be ready for you." Amelia smiled slightly at Leo who smiled back.

"I know." Leo ended the call, leaving the team once again.

"This isn't fair, he deserves to be up there with you guys tomorrow." Amelia sighed.

Chase wiped his nose slightly before speaking, "he helped us in so many ways before he even became bionic. I wish he could change his mind."

"Me too."


Donald walked into the common area with Chase, Bree and Adam, informing them on the plan tomorrow, "we'll take the hydro loop to the mainland, and we will travel to the president's award ceremony in my self driving limo."

Taylor walked into the common area with Douglas, Amelia and Logan. From a distance behind them Lottanne and Hattie were speaking, "Taylor!" The mentors said as they jogged closer. Taylor had glasses that looked like a thing red line - almost cyclops style - that helped her navigate her way around.

"Hey! Good to see you up and around." Adam shouted.

"Adam, honey, there's no need to shout Taylor can hear you just fine." Amelia said, raising an eyebrow.

" what are those glasses?" Chase questioned.

"My latest piece of technology that i customised for her." Douglas answered, "high-tech lenses that use a series of laser-guided sensors to enhance her spatial awareness."

"They don't allow me to see in the traditional sense, but they vibrate to let me know that there is an obstacle in my path."

"Hey, i'm impressed Taylor. You've made a lot of progress in a few weeks." Bree said.

"Thanks. I have been working really hard. Have any of you spoken to Leo?"

"Yeah, but he hasn't changed his mind. He still doesn't want to come back." Amelia said.


The next day the Davenports made their way into the limo. Chase twirled his thumbs nervously as he sat down, Bree peered over at him seeing his nervousness, "are you okay, chase?"

"What- oh yeah, im fine, ready to get going."

"Is it because Amelia isn't with us?"

"Maybe has a part to play, yeah, but she said she'd meet us later on so that's good."

Adam reminisced about the real Leo before they tied their seat belts and made their way to the awards ceremony. As they were driving Bree couldn't help but admit it, "this is the smoothest ride I've ever been in."

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