Leo's Jam

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Leo, chase and Adam were standing by their lockers at school. Saturday night was the night of the school Dance. It was Adams and Chases first.

"guys with the dance coming up, I thought you could use a lesson on how to ask a lady out" Leo smirked at them

"oh great, do you know a guy who can teach us?" Adam joked. It was well known that Leo wasn't very good in getting girls.

"me!" he snapped back making them chuckle at the idea. "you're going to watch me ask out the girl of my dreams: Danielle." he turned his head around at a girl that sat the bench in the middle of the walkway. She had glowing blonde hair and glistening brown eyes, and Leo looked at her with love and admiration.

"Danielle? Isn't she the girl who uses you as a foot stool in math class" Chase questioned.

"where else is she supposed to put her feet - - on the floor?!" he snapped back at Chase from the idea. "open your books, boys, 'cause class is in session" he strut over to the girl on the bench in confidence and stomped his foot onto the the seating. "hello Danielle, how much does a polar bear weigh?" she looked at him smiling uncomfortably and shrugged. "enough to break the ice" Leo swung his other leg around sitting next to Danielle. "I'm Leo Dooley"

The name sparked a memory in Danielle's mind "didn't you send my 87 emails?"

"yeah. that was a slow day.."

"okay well see you later Lenny" Danielle picked up her bag and walked away quickly, clearly uninterested in the highly interested boy. He tried to play it off and waved enthusiastically.

"so, Leo... What should o write down in my Notebook?" Chase mocked looking down at his friend.

"oh don't worry, you can cheat off me, I've got she's not going to the dance with Lenny" Adam humoured. Making the two of them laugh. From behind them Bree and Amelia walked up.

"are you guys talking about the dance too?" Bree commented, "why is everyone making such a big deal out of this stupid Dance?"

"nobodies asked you yet, have they?" chase smiled.

Bree whined at this "NOO"

"she's just depressed waiting for Ethan to come and ask her" Amelia informed the boys. Ethan stood not far behind the group talking to one of his friends. He wasnt much taller than Chase, and has bushy mouse brown hair that matched his gentle eyes.

"oh that guy, I heard him talking in home ec about how he wanted to really go to the dance with you, I found it quite disturbing really" Chase told his sister seeing her brighten up at this, he liked her too!

"how did you hear him? He sits on the opposite side of the class room to you?" Amelia questioned.

"I have good hearing that's all" chase covered up. " anyway... What about you Amelia, have you been asked yet?"

"nah, plus I don't really think I'm going to go. Here in America you have a dance like every week so I don't see the harm in missing one to study for the test next week." Amelia looked into Chases gorgeous Hazel eyes that didn't falter to look away from her cornflower blue iris'. She wanted desperately for him to ask her to go but she didn't want to show it in fear he didn't feel the same.

But he did.

Chase felt distraut by the sound of this. He wanted to ask Amelia, but if she wasn't going he didn't want the embarrassment of the rejection.

Before Chase could reply to the soul-crushing news, Ethan inturrupted talking to Bree, who began to panic.

"hi Ethan! We... Uh, you know... Decided..." Bree stammered,"what is that over there?" Bree pointed behind the boy making him turn around, thus giving her time to super speed away.

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