Sink or swim part 2

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In a remote island, far from any real civilisation, there was a large concrete building that was cold and almost derelict. Davenport had decided to take his three bionic children here for what they thought was for safety.

"So, this is where we'll be hiding out from the FBI. What do you think?" Davenport asked as he opened up a large metal gate and lead his children into a drab room with stacks of wooden boxes.

"I think we should update our tetanus shots." Bree said sarcastically as she looked around the room.

"Hey, where's Leo? I thought you said he would be here." Chase questioned.

"Yeah. I kinda lied about that." Douglas touched his neck turning off his cyber mask, revealing who he truly was. Worry and anger coursed through the veins of the three bionic children, Douglas was the last person any of them wanted to see. Douglas chuckled at the sight of this. "Guess who?"

"Whoa! Awesome mask Mr Davenport." Adam laughed, "he looked just like his evil brother who captured us."

"That is his evil brother."

"And he did just capture us." Chase and Bree stated causing Adam to come to the realisation of what had just happened.

"I don't get it, i thought you were an ice cube in Mr. Davenports warehouse." Chase claimed. "How did you get out?"

"I had a little help."

"It doesn't matter. We'll destroy this rat trap just like your last one." Bree declared.

"Yeah, thanks for that, i didn't even have time to back up my music. Twenty years of up-tempo jazz, gone!" Douglas shouted.

"Oh, that's where Amelia got that music from." Chase said under his breath.

"She downloaded my music?" Douglas exclaimed at the hope of getting his music back.

"Yeah she did, i have no idea why though."

"Gods, i like that Amelia, after i sort out you guys ill make sure to properly turn her to my side this time."

"That's never going to happen, c'mon guys lets get him." Chase rolled up his sleeves and was about to attack with his siblings, they were interrupted by Douglas screaming now to the corner of the room. From the shadows, a large bulky guy all in black (except from his white costumed mask), stepped into view; the man raised his arm gently and sparks began to fly between his finger tips until they were charged enough to zap the three teenagers unconscious. They fell to the ground, fighting to keep their eyes open but lost.

Douglas began to chuckle to himself, "told you i had a little help."

After a few hours the teenagers regained consciousness, they groaned as the lifted themselves off the floor to face their birth father.

"Wakey, wakey, eggs and bacey. Actually thats just an expression. All we have to eat around here are nuts, berries, and... the occasional barbecued iguana."

"Taunting us with non-existent breakfast foods? You really are evil." Adam spat.

"Wait. Who was that guy?" Chase questioned.

"Oh, that's right. You haven't been formally introduced to my partner. Krane, come say hi to the kids."

"Wait, now we have three dads?" Adam asked.

"After i was booted from Davenport industries, i needed cash to continue my research. Luckily, i found a billionaire who believed in me. Say hello to my colleague, benefactor and all-round bad guy, Victor Krane!" Krane unmasked himself after the big and bold introduction Douglas had given. Beneath the mask a pasty skinned man with a serious expression was revealed, on the side of his face there was a wolverine like scratch. However, if you looked properly at the scratch you would realise it's not an attack at all but wiring and metal plates. There was circuitry working inside Kranes face and there was nothing to hide the disgusting robotic side of him, nothing but a mask he no longer saw fit to wear.

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