Lab rats Vs. Mighty med part one.

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It was early in the morning when Chase ran into the mentors room, where everyone else was peacefully sleeeping and screamed loudly in excitement. "Guys, wake up!"

Amelia walked in behind Chase, still yawning from being awoken by Chase only a few moments earlier. "Chasey, what is this about?" She said rubbing her eyes.

"It took five years, but Mr. Davenport and I finally cracked it. We created a new technology that's gonna revolutionise the way the worlds going to use it's energy."

"Did he just wake us up to talk about science?" Adam asked.

"I dont care where you hit him just make it hurt." Bree said.

"C'mon follow me!" Chase ran back out of the room, everyone else slowly followed, still trying to wake themselves up. Chase led them to a small room most of them had never seen before. In the middle in the room there was a glass box on a pedestal and inside it there was a rather small silver cylinder. Next to the box stood Donald, looking as proud as ever.

"Behold, the DavenChase energy transponder." Donald said, showing off the box.

"So, uh, what does it do?" Bree questioned.

"It's kinda like Leo's energy transference ability. It wirelessly harnesses energy from sources around it, then stores it, it's the ultimate power source." Chase explained.

"If only your pillow talk was this riveting." Amelia yawned, looking down at the box.

"Right now, this is one of a kind prototype, but soon, the entire world will run on my technology." Donald gleamed.

"Uh, i think you mean our technology."

"Yeah, my technology. Here, let me show you how it works. For security reasons we are keeping it in this impenetrable cube that can only be opened with my retina scan." Donald put his eye to the box, making the lid pop off so he could take his device out.

"Eye am impressed." Leo laughed at his joke, not receiving any praise from the others. "Get it, 'cause he has to use his eye to open the thing."


A few hours later, Chase, Leo and Donald were in the training area with a bunch of students. Leo had a camera pointed at a white screen that Donald and Chase were standing by with their device. "All right, guys, millions of people are online waiting for the global webcast to start."

in the common area, Adam was wheeling a large basket full of the dirty clothes of the students whilst Bree and Amelia did their work on the cyber desks. "How come i always get stuck on laundry duty?" Adam questioned.

"You volunteered, remember? So you could play your little guess the stain game." Bree said.

"Oh, yeah, this is a good one." He picked up a shirt and smelt it deeply, "ah! Grape jelly and tuna. Healthy must be Bob's."

"Hey, c'mon. Let's go get ready for training." Bree said, both Adam and her ran into the training area.

"I'll catch up with you i just need to finish this up." amelia turned her back to the laundry basket to finish up her work at the cyber desk. From behind her too boys flashed into the room.

The dark haired boy pressed his finger up to his mouth to the fairer haired boy when he saw Amelia, "Kaz, where are we. You told me we were going to a comic book festival in Amsterdam." The fairer haired boy snapped under his breath.

"Have you ever been to Amsterdam?"


"Then welcome to Amsterdam. Look, man i heard about this bionic academy and i had to check it out."

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