Bionic rebellion: part one.

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The mentors and their students were in the main training room. Amelia and her two friends were once again in the corner. A few minutes before they were training together and decided to take a break when flocks of students came bargaining in. Lottanna and Hattie were making general conversation whilst taking large swigs of water from their bottles. Amelia was only half paying attention to them as she watched the mentors teach. Their different styles and ways of dealing with the students were all different and yet the same. When she focused on Chase her heart couldn't help but flutter, it always seemed to do that when she was with him and she couldn't exactly explain why - for who can explain the mysteries of love?

"Pretty soon i might even be smarter than you." Sebastian joked with a slight seriousness in his voice which made Amelia very sceptical. Everyone knew that Chase didn't like those types of jokes, his fragile ego couldn't take it. However, that didn't stop people from doing it, normally Amelia would laugh along as it was obviously a harmless act of humour. But there was just something about Sebastian, something that seemed so off, whenever he said those things it made her want break his legs.

"Don't ever say that again." Chase laughed as he firmly grasp Sebastian shoulder. Amelia smiled at this act, she loved any and all of Chase's actions and quirks, for thats what made him him, and she couldn't get enough of it.

"Good morning everyone." Leo said as he walked into the training room with his arms wide open.

"Not for me, bob kept me up all night with his snoring." Spin said.

"Hey guys, I'll be back." Amelia said as she left her seat and made her way over to Leo.

"It's not my fault. You try breathing with this thing." Bob said in response.

"Well if you like i could get rid of that for you." Amelia said, she continued to grab Bob's nose and pretend she had stolen it. "There we go off your hands... well face."

"You can't just hijack a guys nose like that. What if i need it to smell something?" Bob said.

"You know what you're completely right, here, go get it." Amelia pretended to throw Bob's nose across the training room. Bob immediately ran after it.

"Bob! She didn't really have your nose!" Spin shouted as he chased after him.

"Okay, what's your excuse for getting rid of those two?" Leo questioned.

"I needed to ask you something, in private."

"Okay... what is it?"

"You know when Marcus first arrived to the school you kinda just knew he was a villain from the start, you could sense it?"

"Yes, do you remember Marcus? The eyebrow gave everything away."

"Yeah i know, i faked dated him, wasn't appealing when he did that."

"I can imagine, but hwy are you bringing up Marcus? We destroyed him."

"Yeah, it's not really to do with Marcus, more of that feeling of knowing he was a villain."

"Are you saying you've had that same feeling?"

"Yeah, and it's about Sebastian. There's just something about him that just doesn't seem to click. I honestly don't think he's as great as everyone else thinks. And i thought because you knew about Marcus and I before anyone else did, you know that feeling, that maybe you felt it too."

"Sebastian? No, I'm sorry he seems like a solid guy, i mean sure he tried to kill Chase but that's in the past, like you and Hattie. You know what? I know what that feeling is. He's not a villain you're just being protective, Chase is your boyfriend and they were competing between each other for a long time and plus they tried to kill each other. You just don't want him to be hurt by him again which is understandable. I'm sure there's nothing else to it." Leo stated.

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