Bionic House party.

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-yes im taking forever to update because I keep watching Hamilton instead of writing, sue me-

From the lab, Leo and Amelia walked in with good news, Donald was doing much better and is going to make it through it. The good news was music to Chase and Bree's ears when they heard it. The whole family had been worried sick, and imagining life without him was excruciating - even if they would never admit it.

"Soon he will be back making us wish he was unconscious again." Leo joked to the three of them, even though he was missing his egotistical child-like father.

"Hey, i really miss him. Although it has been nice having the hairspray all to myself." Bree said.

"Actually, adam's been using it too. He's developing new hairstyles for his armpits." Chase admitted, making the rest of them cringe with disgust and curiosity. "You wouldn't think it, but the ponytails are surprisingly cute."

"You know we should have traded in Adam for one of Krane's bionic soldiers when we had the chance."

"Oh no, the soldiers!" Chase said, worriedly, "i was so worried about Mr Davenport, i completely forgot about them."

"Relax, I'm sure they're fine." Leo said, "now that the triton app is deactivated they're just normal teenagers."

"Normal teenagers who have no recognition of how to use the greater extent of their abilities and teenagers that don't really know how the human world works as they have probably been kept in a basement their whole lives - no offence." Amelia stared at Leo, concern painted over her face. She remembered what it was like when she woke up with bionics, it wasn't a particularly easy thing to wrap your head around and she didn't know how she would have got able to get through it properly without the Davenport's.

"Yeah, we need to find them."

"Find who?" Adam asked as he walked into the lab.

"Krane's soldiers" Bree replied.

"Ah I think i can help with that. Follow me." Adam led them upstairs into the living room, revealing over two dozen soldiers. "They're right here."

"You invited 30 bionic soldiers into our house!" Chase shouted.

"No. I invited one. The other twenty-nine were hiding in the bushes and followed us home." Adam clarified, "chase, Bree, leo, amelia i would like to formally introduce you to our friends. This is S-5, S-7, S-8 and- ha sorry, i forgot your name."

"Hi I'm S-3!" The young boy with brown swept hair walked over to chase and held his hand out for Chase to shake it, the sight of the boy made Chase yelp and step backwards into his sister.

"I know who you are. You tried to kill me!" Chase said, thinking back to their bo staff battle.

"Why would I do that? I dont even know you, friend."

"I am not your friend, you used your electro fork thingie on me. Friends don't electro fork thingie friends."

"I don't remember that, but if i hurt you, I'm sorry"

"Apology not accepted."

"Oh c'mon Chase, give him a brake, he was under the control of Krane, it isn't his fault." Amelia said.

"Yeah, well i bet that if S-0 was here you would feel differently."

"Oh yeah? I think that's her over there. Hey! S-0! Come here!" Amelia shouted.

"Uhm, hi. Do i know you?" The kaleidoscope eyed girl asked.

"Yes, you just don't remember me. You tired to kill me but water under the bridge, hey are you single? I think you and my brother would really get along."

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