Crash, Chop And Burn Part 2.

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Chases POV

As I fell into a deep sleep my mind started to wonder. Though, quite unexpectedly, my mind began to focus on a slim small figure. Not on what had just unfolded between me and my only idea of a father. Not on what my new habitat I will have to live will be like. Not even the dangerous missions I will encounter when my training is finished. No. Instead, from the foggy mist of my mind, a young girl appeared. She wore black jeans and a khaki jacket over a cream t-shirt. Golden brown wavy hair flowed from her head and surpassed her shoulders, the colour matched her freckles that popped out against her pale complexion.
I immediately could tell who I was looking at, Amelia. She was beautiful, I had no doubt about it. She was the first person to actually talk to me and I was stunned, and when she helped me up from the ground her cold touch soothed my aching ears. I don't know what this feeling is but she has my attention and the thought of me never seeing her again makes my heart drop in my chest. Even though that is completely illogical.

I'm not leaving.

But I had to, Mr Davenport would never allow me to stay after everything we did. I have to find a way, any way. I've had a taste of freedom and I wasn't ready to let go of it.


Anger and frustration filling my veins I storm around the lab grabbing any form of stationery and business supplies I can find.

"what are you doing?" I hear Leo ask. He was sat crosslegged on the middle table watching me move around angrily.

"if Mr Davenport is going to ship us off to some remote facility, then the office supplies are coming with I us." I reply bitterly. Mr Davenport can't just send us off after everything he's done for us. He's made us feel like object he can just move around with his liking. But we're not. And so I'm stealing the real objects so when he misses them he'll realise what he has done. Yeah that's right, psychology master here. This is why I'm the smartest man in the world.

"we just got our first taste of real life" I hear my sister say. As I walk past her. She was right, it felt wrong how we'd been kept away from the light for so many years and when we finally get to film that warmth it gets taken away from us in a matter of minutes. "I was this close to getting a curfew I was so going to break" Bree continued, I knew she felt heartbroken and I didn't blame her.

"Oooooh but maybe when we go there we will meet a sassy chimp named Bobo. Who will take us on adventures and teach us how to love." Adam perked up with this ridiculous fantasy, I still can't grasp how idiotic my brother can be. Life isn't some fairytale cartoon where monkeys take you on trips and you sing along with him.

" or maybe you'll make him angry and he'll maul you and snack on your fingers" I sarcastically snapped back trying to ruin his ludicrous imagery.

"hey! I control the monkey fantasies around here" Adam stood up and pointed at me. Slight sensation of anger lingering in his voice.

I begin to roll my eyes when I hear a horrible familiar voice spark up. Eddy. "hey kids I hope you've enjoyed your stay at casa davenport. I know I haven't, syonarra!"

"eddy I know we haven't been the best of friends, but I'm going to miss you." Bree spoke and I immediately knew where she was going with this.

"really?" eddy asked, I could tell he was falling for it.

"No" we all shouted in unison. "we hate you, you're evil" I added at the end with passion because I can not describe how truthfully I felt about this. Well I could, but I'm not going to.

A curious leo finally charmed in to the conversation asking where this secure facility is. Eddy showed us on one of the screens around the room. A beautiful island paradise appeared on the screen. It looked gorgeous, and a spark of hope ignited inside of me, maybe this wouldn't be so bad... "oh wait that's my homescreen" eddy said obviously trying to get us back for toying with him earlier. He the brought up a picture of a cold Icelandic view. The picture was nearly pure white if it wasn't for the black facility doors poking out from the snow. The hope I felt was immediately de-lighted.

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