Leo vs Evil.

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"Chase there is no way you can beat Adam at arm wrestling. It'd be like a chicken wresting an alligator."  Leo said. Adam, Amelia, Bree, Chase and he all came to wrest at the circular bench in the middle of the wall way as he spoke.  Chase ripped of his backpack and got ready.

"He's right bro, your spaghetti arms are no match for these meatballs." Adam flexed his guns, kissing them repeatedly.

"Hey, when you're done kissing your girlfriends, Let's do this." Chase said, the two brothers rested their arms on the top of the bench. But just before they grabbed each others hand as Leo said go, Chase licked his palm and grabbed his brothers slamming it down.

"Hey! No fair! He licked his hand!" Adam whined.

"Clever beats strong any day!" Chase claimed.

"Well Chase wins the arm wrestle." Amelia said. " i never thought id be able to speak those words." She laughed, getting a dirty look from her boyfriend.

"Hey guys, hows it going?" Marcus asked as he came down the stairs.

"Ooh, bundle up, everyone. It just got partly creepy with a 100% chance of annoying" Leo scolded as he looked at Marcus.

"You guys want to come to my house after school? We just got this sick new flatscreen"

"Is it as sick as you make me? Because that would be pretty sick." Leo gritted his teeth.

"Nah, I've seen it. It's a pretty slick tv." Amelia confirmed.

"Uh when have you been to his house to see it, Amelia?" Leo interrogated.

"He lives on my street Leo, its kind of hard not to see what's going on in his home." Amelia replied, rolling her eyes.

"We'd love to come over!" Chase said.

"Ha, yeah nice, what chase means to say is we cant. So bye." Leo hurried is siblings out of the school doors urging them to go home. But before Leo and Amelia could exit with them Marcus used his bionics to close the door on them. "How did you?"

"Marcus can move things with his mind too Leo, Chase's powers aren't anything special." Amelia said.

"Amelia, you know about the bionics?"

"Leo, if i could find out Adam, Bree and Chases secreted within a day, what makes you think i wouldn't realise when there was a fourth bionic teenager walking amongst us."

"You know, you get harder to like every time to you talk. You should really see someone about this chronic lying you have. It ain't healthy."

"Guys back to the point."

"Right" they said in unison.  Amelia walked to stand next to Marcus.

"You know i should just expose you and your bionics to them." leo hissed.

"Go ahead, then ill turn them in. Where they will get thrown into a government facility and experimented on." Marcus towered over Leo. Amelia leant against one of the pilliars as she watched the boys quarrel.

"Well maybe i should turn you in first." Leo walked towards the doors, but was stopped by a red trash can being hurtled towards him. He fell to the ground just missing being hit by the Bin Marcus had thrown.

"I wouldn't do that, or next time i won't miss." Marcus threatened as he walked out the door.

"Seriously, Amelia?  You're with him .  He just tried to kill me, not to mention the car incident. Are you really going to stand idly by as he does this?" Leo said, he felt outraged with what was happening. They had let her into the family, Chase had let her into his heart and he dreaded to think what was going to happen when he realised what she had been doing all along.

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