Mission Space.

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Adam, Amelia, Bree, Chase and Leo were walking down the staircase at school, Adam was talking about how he always finds gum under the desk before proceeding to blow a bubble in the same piece of gum. After he had pop it Leo saw Marcus walking into school.

"Oh hey, no one look but here comes that guy none of us like. Marcus."

The rest of the group ran up to Marcus to wrap him in an embrace. "M-dog. Hey hey." They said.

"So Marcus what are you doing this weekend?" Chase asked.

"Oh nothing much, my Dads going to be out of town so i have to stay with my grandma."

"Aha! You said your Grandma was dead!" Leo yelled.

"The other Grandma! But thanks for reminding me"

"Leo!" Amelia said "leave the poor boy alone."

"I think you should leave him Amelia " leo responded.

"I just wish i could stay with you guys for the weekend" Marcus said, fishing for an invite.

"And i wish you weren't a spastic sociopath with abandonment issues." Leo barked.

"Leo give it a rest." Chase said. " look, Marcus, im sure you can stay with us. Ill just check with Mr Davenport."

"You call your dad Mr Davenport?" Marcus asked.

"Uh, no. Pssh. No. No but you do and i wanted to make sure you knew who i was talking about." Chase babbled.

"Okay, thanks guys" Marcus walked off to class as the bell rang.

Chase saw Bree moving in the other direction as a football came racing towards her head, he pointed out to it as he yelled. "Bree watch out!". The football went flying in the other direction missing his sister.

"What just happened?" Bree asked

" Chasey did you just move that with your mind?"

"I think i did yeah."

"I didn't know you could do that" Leo protested.

"Neither did I"

"Man, if you can do that with your mind, i wonder what i can do with mine." Adam chuckled.

"We've been wondering that for years." Bree stressed, they all moved to their classes.


After school the five of them moved back into the lab.

"Chase you can move stuff with your mind. You're like a really cool Magician. You know if there ever was such thing as a really cool magician." Leo said.

"It doesn't make any sense it was probably just a fluke." Chase said waving his arms in the air, causing objects to fly across the room.

"I don't think its a fluke babe"


"Im going to tell Mr Davenport about this." Bree said.

"What no, if this is a glitch Mr Davenport wont leet me go to school anymore. Let me tap into his cyber desk to see if i can find anything." Chase went over to the desk and started swiping through files until he found the one about bionics." "Ooh whoa, guys this isn't a glitch i can move object by manipulating the energy around them. I have unlocked a hidden bionic ability called molecular kinesis."

"Chase, im also going to need you to unlock your ability to use smaller words."

Amelia looked at Adam. "Chase move stuff with head."

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