No Going Back

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"Oh i'm so glad that school is over." Bree moaned as she walked down the school steps with her two brothers. "Mrs Thistle talked for an hour in history. She's ninety- should she really be wasting that much breath?"

"What's all this?" Chase said as he saw everybody lining up to get out of school, by the doors the lunch ladies were scanning the students with a metal detector. Down the queue Perry was holding a bucket which contained the electronics of the students.

"Listen up, frog spawn! Security check. Put all metal object in the bucket, then proceed to the wands for a more thorough search."

"Principal Perry, what's going on?" Bree questioned.

"Someone's been stealing laptops from the computer lab, so I'm gunna bust the perp. Or perps. Bottom line, no one leaves this school without going through those metal detectors. Now if you excuse me, im gonna go through your loose change and have a little heart to heart with the vending machine." Perry walked away with her bucket leaving the bionic teenagers to panic.

"Guys, we cannot get wanded" Bree said. "Those things will go off like crazy if they detect our bionics."

"Well, what are we going to do? She's totally gonna bust us." Chase replied.

Perry ran up behind chase and whispered in his ear, "bust ya for what? What are you hiding, little bo peep?"

"Um, he he's not hiding anything." Bree stuttered.

"Well he does have an unusually large birthmark on his left hip. If you stare at it long enough and it kinda looks like Justin Bieber." Adam added.

"Let's go. Empty your pockets." Perry grabbed Chases arm and dragged him to the lunch ladies for him to get wanded.

"Principal perry I-"

"Comply, Perp! Wand him" the lunch ladies wands beeps began to oscillate as they scanned his legs going up towards his neck. The beeps became high pitched and ear shrieking. Chase looked nervous as his bionics were found by measly metal detectors. "Well, what do you know? We got one. Flank him girls. The little ones always put up a fight!"

Adam Bree and chase were lined up in the corridor with only Principal perry who was becoming highly suspicious of them.

"Everyone cleared the checkpoint hours ago, even your little friend Amelia who had a knife in her pocket."

"Technically, its a pocket knife and if perfectly safe and doesn't break any ru-"

"Doesn't it look like i care, dork bones?" Perry yelled at Chase. "Why do you three flesh bags keep settin' it off?! You may not have the laptops but you're hiding something. Maybe another pat down from carol and Deb will make ya talk."

"No no, we're good, the first one already scarred me for life." Bree insisted, the tried to walk away but Perry wouldn't allow it.

"Don't move! No ones going anywhere until i get to the bottom of this." Perry picked up her phone and began to dial someone.

"Guys we have to get out of here" Chase said.

"Relax. We just have to wait her out." Adam said. "There's no way Perry can actually see our bionics unless she rips our skin off."

"Have you met carol and deb?"

"I wish Amelia was here, she would have thought of a lie already to get us out of here." Chase said wishing he had his phone with him so he could call her and ask what to say to get him out of there.

"Okay great news." Perry got off her phone and talked loudly at the teenagers.

"Your letting us go?"

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