Bionic showdown Part 1.

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In the lab, Adam, Bree and Chase came running in whooping and cheering in their mission suits. They had just prevented the biggest oil spill in history. Leo went up to them to congratulate them, he though what they did was awesome and legendary, but Donald had other ideas...
"What were you guys thinking? You completely ignored my mission plan, improvised everything and jeopardised the entire mission" Donald yelled.

"Mr Davenport we bust our butts all the time, and all you do is sit around the lab making lists of what we did wrong." Chase complained, Donald tried to disagree but then looked down at the tablet in his hands that was open to a list of exactly that.

"Look, you guys got lucky with time. But without my precise planning you're opening yourselves up for disaster." Donald said, so just follow my orders."

"Well maybe your orders aren't always right." Chase snapped.

"Excuse me?"

"He said maybe your order-" Adam was interrupted by Donald screaming that he heard him.

Through the camera lens in the lab Marcus and Amelia were sat on chair spying on their tablet. Marcus chuckled to himself. "I love seeing the snap at each other, the whole team is falling apart."

"Exactly like we planned babe." Amelia chuckled back, the tablet was quickly snatched out of Amelia's hands by Marcus' father.

"Ive seen enough. Marcus, Amelia, its time to reclaim what's mine." Donald swiped the tablet revealing a picture of himself and davenport arm in arm i front of a large Davenport industries sign. "Let's go pay a visit to my big brother." He snarled smashing the tablet to frowned and stormed out.

"You remember the plan?"

"Yep, i'm going to be working everything over the coms" She noticed Marcus eyes begin to fill with worry. "Don't worry, Mar, ill make sure no one sees me until they are all locked up, like we planned."

"I know, thats not why i'm worried." He cupped her cheek smiling down at her; he heard his father calling and quickly removed himself from the room to follow.
Amelia was left in the lab alone, she sat down at the computers and control desks and started to act out her plan.


Mr Davenport was strolling into the lab, whistling to himself, he tried to speak to his smart home system but got no reply. He looked closer at the screen and realised that Eddy has been deactivated. He walked through the doors to look at the other wall were another Eddy panel was, but still nothing.

"How'd eddy get deactivated?" Donald said to himself walking back through the doors were his brother was waiting for him.

"Want me to show you?" He said.

"Douglas!? I thought you were dead!" Donald said in shock.

"That's what i wanted you to think. And the FBI and mom. That woman does not stop calling." Douglas said.

"How did you get in here?"

"Your risky dinky security systems are no match for my genius. Also, i kicked down the door, just because its cool." Donald swung a punch at his brother, which he successfully dodged, trapping his arm and holding his shoulder down. "Why do you even bother? I've been kicking your but since we were kids." Douglas threw Donald to the other side of the room where he came face to face with Marcus.

"Marcus? So Leo was right about you."

"Hello, Mr. Davenport. Or should i say, uncle Mr.  Davenport?" Marcus waved his eyebrow.

"He's been practising that for days." Douglas smirked.

"I made drama club." Marcus smiled.

"He's good too. I keep telling him he should audition for Oklahoma."

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