On the edge part one

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Leo made his way towards the three mentors and Amelia with S1, "well guys, it took a while, but we finally came up with S1's new name."

"We went through hundreds before we came up with the perfect one."

"What is it?" Bree asked.

"Charlotte...Taylor" S1 said in unison with Leo, S1 looked confused at Leo's sudden out burst of charlotte.

"Right, Taylor, my second choice."

"Taylor it is then, congrats." Amelia said, scrunching her nose in approval.

Donald walked up to the little group with a grin on his face, "hey guys, i have some exciting news."

"You're finally eligible for senior citizen discounts?" Adam asked.

"No. Maybe. I don't want to talk about it. Look, the president called, and he's honouring you guys with a prestigious award of completing mission 1000."

"That's awesome. Congratulations, guys!" Taylor exclaimed.

"Thanks, but technically if you count all the missions where our bionics were still a secret, then our number is actually 2604. But who's counting?" Chase calculated before sneezing loudly.

"Bless you. Are you alright?" Amelia questioned.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think it's just dirt being swept up by the students."


Chase stepped down the steps with Bree and moved towards Adam and Amelia, "hey, Adam, how's the fire prevention training going?" He asked.

"Wait, you said fire prevention?" A loud siren rang, "oo, well it's too late for that one."

"Why didn't you tell him?" Chase asked Amelia.

"I was curious to see how much he could blow up before someone realised." Amelia chuckled.

Adam turned to his students, "can you guys go stop that fire, and prevent the other 15 we set?"

"Guys, you have to come see this.  Leo just did something super amazing." One of the students in a red shouldered vest ran in calling for the mentors.

The mentors, Amelia and the rest of the students walked into the common area and saw Leo holding hand with Taylor, "aww. Leo's holding hands with a girl.  That is amazing."  Bree mocked.

"We found a new ability, check this out." Leo said.  From their intertwined hands a glowing orb formed and whizzed around their hand,  the sight was almost blinding.  The orb shot off from their hands and blasted into the flat screen TV that was mounted on the wall.  Making the whole room go dark.

"Oh, man, now i can't see what the new ability is."

"That was the new ability."

"Well, do you have another that turns you into a night light?" Adam questioned.

"Hold on.  I'll bring the back-up system online." Chase said, turning the lights back on.

"So? Isn't our new ability cool? When we join hands, our laser spheres combine to create one large sphere that's so powerful it sends out an electromagnetic pulse."

"EMP's disable any piece of electrical technology they touch."

"Dude, that was incredible.  One day I'm gonna be just like you." The student from earlier said.

"Thank you, son. Now move along."

"Uh, no offence Logan, but when did Leo become your hero?" Bree asked.

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