Conscert in a can

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Adam and Chase where sat on the circular bench in the middle of the schools walk way watching a new boy jamming out on his black electric guitar. The new boy had short brown hair and eyes, he wore an olive green shirt with a matching plaid short over it. But there was something about his that wasn't quite right. Something about him that almost seemed false. The only problem is Adam and Chase wouldn't find out until it is too late.
The boy finished the song he was playing on his guitar and sat down next to Adam.

"Oh sweet, watch your fingers go! It's like each one has a little brain of its own" Adam raved.

"Thanks. You know, you guys are the only people who have talked to me at this school. I hate being the new kid" the boy spoke, trying to emphasise how grateful he felt.

"Yeah we used to be the new kids that no one talked to. Now were just the vaguely familiar kids no one talks to." Chase laughed before realising how depressing what he said was.

"Hey peeps what's the deal-io" Leo said as he walked up to the three boys with Amelia standing beside him.

"Hi I'm Marcus" he held out his fist for a bump which Leo sceptically accepted.

"I know we have gym together" Leo replied, Marcus looked confused and unsure if what Leo was saying was true as he didn't recognise him at all. " And study hall, and chemistry. We're lab partners." Marcus only looked more baffled by what Leo was saying.

"Oh i did not know that" Marcus chimed in.

"And we have history together, i sit behind you" Amelia informed the boy, hoping that he had some observance in him to recognise a few faces.

"Oh yeah i know, Amelia right? You kept answering the questions about the world wars, I was very impressed with your knowledge."

"Oh why thank you Marcus, and hey because you're new and we've done a lot of work so far if you ever need any notes to help you catch up i'm happy to lend you mine. Though they can be a bit messy sometimes i mostly keep them neat" Amelia smiled, she was flattered that he had recognised her after all. Plus she knew what it was like to be the new kid, sometimes faces blur into one, but still to say that he spent so much of the day with Leo and still didn't recognise him was odd, maybe even suspicious. She'd thought it best to keep an eye on this boy just in case and to make sure that nothing goes haywire with him.

"I may just accept your offer, i can tell that im far behind compared to you" He stared at Amelia for a bit too long observing every curve and structure of her freckled face, smiling he stained into her eyes which caused her to stare back. She wondered how long he was going to just sit and look at her, she was about to say something to break the eye contact when Chase cleared his throat loudly. He felt almost territorial at the sight of Marcus looking at the girl he loved. He couldn't stand it, but Marcus didn't know they were together, but that didn't matter in that moment. "So, Chase. Ever played the guitar?" Marcus asked trying to break the awkward silence that had filled the air.

'No but I've always wanted to" Chase answered.

"Im a jammer, my rocking is only eclipsed by my rolling" Leo tried to convince the others.

" Leo your mom said you played the clarinet for three weeks until you swallowed the reed." Chase retold.

Leo snapped, "I passed it"

Marcus turned his head around to Chase holding out his guitar, " do you wanna give it a go?"

"Well,yeah, sure. Why not?" Chase took the guitar from Marcus and his bionics started to click. His brain and his muscles immediately knew how to play the instrument. Chase started to rock out on the guitar, playing a perfect punk tune. His friends and family around him dropped their jaws to the floor at the sight of this. They couldn't believe it, until it came to them that he could literally play anything because of his unmatched knowledge of everything, even music. He stopped playing and looked proud of the sounds he had created, though that face quickly turned when he saw a surprised Marcus. "Uhhh, beginners luck i guess" Chase hurriedly took off the guitar and handed it back to Marcus.

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