The curse of the screaming skull

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/ hey everyone, sorry it has been so long since my last update, i watched Julie and the Phantoms and immediately become obsessed and took like 9 extra days of writing this fic to write a full season one fic of this show.  So if any of you have watched it and love reggie check it out or know of anyone who does then 'tell your friends' - that's a pun that only makes sense if you've watched it. Anyway i need to stop writing nonsense, ciao\

"Hey Leo were have you been?" Chase asked, he was standing around a box that read 'Halloween decorations' with his siblings and Amelia.

"I just finished watching a 24-hour horror movie marathon.  I was so scared i chewed through all my fingernails.  But on the bright side, i had a nig bowl of popcorn, so they were delightfully tasty."

"Guys how is our first Halloween at the academy going to be spooky when all we have is this pathetic little box of Halloween decorations?

"I agree we are in dire need to go shopping for Halloween directions." Amelia said as she saw Adam choke over the smell of his unkept pumpkin from the previous year.

Perry walked into the common area, she was waving a metal detector all over the floor.

"Watcha doing over there perry?" Amelia asked.

"I'm going to take the metal detector to the beach to look for other people's money."

"So what, you're done going through our wallets?" Leo asked.

"Yep, how do you think i paid for this thing?" Perry waved the detector in the air, "if you need me, I'll be at the island across the way."

"What island? The deserted one?" Douglas interrogated, having heard perry speaking as he walked passed.

"Yeah. Care to join me? There's room for two in my inflatable kayak.  If you're good we could play shipwrecked passenger and curious island native." Perry fantasised.

"How about we play shipwrecked passenger and rescue pilot who just keeps flying?"

"Hey, I always wondered about that island. Oh, maybe there are waterfalls." Bree exclaimed.

"And craves." Leo added.

"And maybe we'll be introduced to cool new species of insects."

"Or new species of foliage's and flora's." Amelia started to geek out with Chase about the biological possibilities, but soon were cut off by the disapproving looks of Leo and Bree.

"You two really need lives outside of this." Leo gestured to the both of them, but they just looked at each other and shrugged it off they were happy with their little lives they had going on.

"Trust me, you don't wanna go to that island." Douglas stated, "from what I've heard that place is uninhabited for a reason. It's a scary jungle full of venomous snakes, rabid bats and toxic plants that cause rashes."

"Rashes don't bother me. I'm rarely without one." Perry grinned.

"I'm headed to the mainland for a supply run. Just promise me, you won't got there."

"We won't Douglas, obviously it's not safe." Amelia said.

The hydro loop doors closed as Douglas was sent to the mainland.

"Well, who is coming with me to that island?" Amelia asked the group.

"I'm in, see if i can pick anything up with this thing." perry said.

"Sweet, any of you guys?"

"Douglas just told us not to go there and you told him we wouldn't." Chase claimed.

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