You posted what? Part 2

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The school alarm blared through the corridors, on a normal day they would be filled with children groggily walking their way to class. But not today, today it was filled with 3 soon to be conscious people who were about to face a horrible accident that had occurred moments before.
Perry and Douglas groaned as they lifted themselves off the ground, Douglas was clenching onto his side in pain, "i think I've broken some ribs." He said, slowly and rising, next to him Perry shot up as energetic as ever, "how are you not hurt?"

"Luckily, i landed on my left side where i have a metal hip, titanium shoulder, and i couldn't even tell you what's in my skull."

"Help!" leo screamed from behind the fallen concrete beam.

"Dooley!" Perry and Douglas ran over to him.

Leo was wincing in excruciating pain, "my arms pinned underneath the beam." He was covered in dust and his breath was heavy. The pain he felt in that moment was the worst of his life, if it wasn't for the school bell he might not have woken up, instead he could have spent the time in a deep sleep not thinking about the amount of pain he would endure when he woke.

Douglas tried to bend down and lift the beam up but groaned under the strain from his rips, perry tapped him out of the way, "i got this Dougy. I once lifted a car off a guys leg. It was the least i could do, seen as im the one that ran him over." Perry squatted down and tried to hold onto the beam to lift it, "ooh, it's tough to get a grip. My hand is slipping on what i hope is red paint."

They were greeted by the sounds of a fireman's truck pulling up, "the fireman are here, I'll go get 'em." Douglas jogged out of the door.

"Okay, ill stay here and take care of Dooley." Perry stood back up as she couldnt lift the beam, "agh, i feel so helpless. What to do? What to do?" She questioned to herself, in order to try and think she sat down on the beam, receiving a shriek from Leo as his arm was put under more pressure. "Sorry, sorry."


Perry was pacing the hospital floors when Tasha stormed in with an FBI officer behind her, "they said Leo had an accident. Is he okay?" Tasha questioned Perry.

"He's hurt pretty bad, but he's resting now. Don't worry. Im making sure they take good care of our precious Leo."

"'Our'? Precious Leo?"

"Yeah, we almost died together. That bonds us. It's like me and the guys i fought with overseas."

"You were in the military?"

"No, i was a street fighter in Bangkok."

"That's it, i cannot wait anymore. Where is my son?"

"He's right over there." Perry pointed behind her at a closed curtain.

Tasha ran past her and quickly slid it across, expecting to see her son laying in the bed. Instead, she was greeted with empty sheets. "He's gone. My baby."


Back at the house, Adam, Bree and Chase were trying to convince Graham, the leader, to allow them to go to see Leo in the hospital but he refused. Transport to take them away and experiment on them arrived at the house, they said goodbye to their dad but when it was time to go Adam refused. He pushed a guy off of him when they tried to restrain him, Grant called for him to get tranquillised but Chase there the gun away with his kinesis. Adam stepped into he middle of the room and created an energy blast that knocked out everyone in the room, excluding his family.

"What now?" Bree shouted.

"Run!" Chase ran out the door and his family followed.


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